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37 results were found for your search terms Personal selection
Deniation of information on the merits presented in a selection process in progress
IAI 36/2023
Given that at the time of the application for access the selection body has not assessed the merits claimed by the participants in the selection process, access to the documentation accrediting these merits (or to the spreadsheet in which they are related) would not be justified, without prejudice to the fact that, once their assessment has been carried out, access can be recognised with regard to, if applicable, those participants who have finally been selected or who have obtained a better position in the job exchange with respect to the claimant.
Test access for a selective process
CNS 20/2023
Data protection regulations would not prevent access to the statements of the practical and theoretical exams, along with the correction criteria, proposed in the selective process referred to in the petition, but as regards obtaining a copy of the exams in question, their submission in the specific case examined would only be possible after anonymisation of this information.
Denegació d'accés a informació sobre determinats treballadors de la Diputació
IAI 26/2023
Prenent en consideració les circumstàncies que concorren en el cas particular, i d’acord amb l’anàlisi que s’ha dut a terme, des del punt de vista de la finalitat general de transparència no estaria justificat l’accés a la informació relativa a l’antiguitat, titulació, formació i nivell de català de les persones ocupants de determinats llocs de treball, més enllà de la informació relativa a la concurrència dels requisits mínims exigits per ocupar els dits llocs de treball, com ara, que la persona ocupant disposa dels coneixements de llengua catalana o la formació mínima exigida per al lloc de treball concret que ocupa, d’acord amb la relació de llocs de treball de la Diputació.
Denying access to assessments of a city council selection process
IAI 5/2023
The right to data protection would not prevent access and copying of the examinations carried out by the participants in the selection process that have been selected by the requesting party insofar as they are a trade union representative of a trade union organisation that is considered the most representative. Otherwise, access should be limited to the identity of the selected persons and the score obtained in relation to each test.
Denial of access to personnel selection files of a City Council
IAI 45/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent the claimant from accessing the claimed information that does not contain personal data, such as that relating to the practical cases that the applicants have developed or the internship program that the selected candidates had to complete. Nor would it prevent access to the score that each member of the tribunal awarded to the two exercises carried out by the person claiming or to the scores of the two exercises carried out by the rest of the candidates who had obtained a score higher than that of the person claiming, nor likewise , to the score of the candidates in the practice phase. With regard to the acts of the qualifying court, the person making the claim must be able to access their content as long as they do not contain scores or information about the candidates who obtained a score lower than the person making the claim. You must also be able to access purely identifying data such as the name and surname and position of the people who have intervened in the processing of the file, including their email address.
Refusal of information on the selective processes of a City Council's staff
IAI 41/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent access to information relating to the call and the bases of the selective processes carried out by the City Council, the rest of the acts of the processes subject to publication and, in particular, to the results of the called processes. Now, taking into consideration the circumstances that come together in the particular case, from the point of view of the general purpose of transparency, access to the tests carried out by the candidates in each of the selective processes, nor to the contracts of formalized work
Denial of access to information on personnel and on the training activity of the City Council
IAI 10/2022
Data protection regulations do not preclude access to certain information relating to the appointments of temporary and career civil servants, to temporary assignments, to the assignment of functions, to the assignment of functions or to the commission of services; information on the financial supplements for the jobs provided by the system of temporary assignment or assignment of functions and the list of staff admitted to the training activities organized or financed by the City Council, including the expenditure incurred by the City Council.
Denial of access to information relating to certain City Council jobs
IAI 11/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent you from communicating to the trade union section of the City Council, the information you request about the relationship of Technical Services jobs with the descriptive files with the first and last names of the people who occupy the different jobs whether permanent, interim or temporary and the positions that are vacant, as well as the duration of the interim or temporary relationship of each one with the city council, for the fulfillment of the functions of the workers' representatives. In any case, the hearing procedure must be granted as provided for in article 31.1 of the LTC to find out if there is a specific personal circumstance that justifies the limitation of the right of access.
Access to personnel selection files
CNS 9/2022
Persons participating or having participated in a staff selection process, as well as workers' representatives, shall have the right to access certain personal information contained in the resulting file, in the terms indicated in the opinion, and may exercise their right of access as long as the health consortium has this public information available. It may be a good practice to inform aspiring recipients of your data as a result of their participation in a selection process.
Denial of information regarding the documentation submitted in a selection process by the candidates
IAI 45/2021
The data protection regulations do not prevent a representative of the workers designated as an observer in a selection process in accordance with the applicable collective agreement and the bases of the call, from accessing the information relating to the candidates for through their presence in the tests and sessions of the qualifying body and to consult the information provided by the candidates, in order to monitor compliance with current regulations. However, due to their duties, it is not justified to obtain a copy of all the documentation submitted by the candidates.
Total number of pages: 4