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32 results were found for your search terms Provincial council
Denegació d'accés a informació sobre determinats treballadors de la Diputació
IAI 26/2023
Prenent en consideració les circumstàncies que concorren en el cas particular, i d’acord amb l’anàlisi que s’ha dut a terme, des del punt de vista de la finalitat general de transparència no estaria justificat l’accés a la informació relativa a l’antiguitat, titulació, formació i nivell de català de les persones ocupants de determinats llocs de treball, més enllà de la informació relativa a la concurrència dels requisits mínims exigits per ocupar els dits llocs de treball, com ara, que la persona ocupant disposa dels coneixements de llengua catalana o la formació mínima exigida per al lloc de treball concret que ocupa, d’acord amb la relació de llocs de treball de la Diputació.
Archiving the complaint about breaches of data protection regulations in video surveillance in the workplace and the lack of information about the purpose of the processing.
IP 127/2022
The complaint is shelved because there are no rational indications that the facts that have led to the initiation of the procedure have taken place. As regards the duty of information on the purpose of the treatment, compliance has been accredited.
Advertising of the identification of persons who sign the collaboration and cooperation agreements of the Government of Catalonia
CNS 40/2022
The transparency regulation lays down the minimum content to be disseminated in respect of the partnership agreements by limiting it, as regards personal data, to information on the name and surname of persons acting on behalf of the parties that sign them.
Access to a disciplinary report on the part of the presumed infractor
CNS 13/2021
The alleged infringer has the right to access all the information about his / her person that appears in the disciplinary file, including the information provided or generated in the course of the confidential information that has been incorporated in the disciplinary file, including the identity. of persons who have provided such information or health data on such persons, where relevant for the right of defense, without prejudice to such limitations as may be exceptionally relevant where the circumstances alleged by such persons require confidentiality.
Temperature control in access to work centres during the COVID-19 pandemic
CNS 44/2020
The occupational risk prevention regulations provide for the establishment of a temperature control over workers themselves. As regards workers from external companies or users of the entity's services, this control could only be carried out in cases where, in view of the activity carried out in their buildings, some of the sectoral plans approved by the PROCICAT that provide for the adoption of this measure of prevention and health protection are implemented, given that it is not currently known that the authorities responsible for public health have generally established the adoption of the measure of control of body temperature prior to all persons accessing a work place.
Denial of access to sentences related with the tax about the increase of the value of the terrains
The regulations of data protection would not block the access of the claimant to the sentences in that part has been the Regional Government of Barcelona or its|his|her|their Organization|Organism of Tributary Management|Formality, on the subject of the tax about the increase of Value of the Terrains of urban Nature, notified by the suit Courts clerk of Barcelona during the period requested, with the previous dissociation of the contained particulars.
Consideration of certain biometric data as a special data category
CNS 21/2020
Biometric data subject to specific technical processing for biometric recognition purposes, whether in the form of identification or biometric authentication, should be considered as a special category of data. Thus, this consideration would be given to both the fingerprint, to which specific technical treatment is applied, when used for the purpose of authenticating the identity of a natural person, and the biometric signature obtained on a tablet, measuring the formation of letters, the direction of traits, pressure and other unique dynamic characteristics, insofar as it is submitted for specific technical treatment in order to confirm authorship.
Denial of access to information related to sanitary inspections in determinate premises of the town
IAI 8/2020
A citizen shown a claim against the Regional Government for the denial of access to the information about the data related to the sanitary inspections in premises of several towns between years 2016 and 2019. The regulations of data protection would not block the access of the claimant to the information requested about the inspections carried out by the Regional Government, except for the information about the name and address of the premises where the performances have been carried out, or another information that allows to identify the titular physical persons of the same ones for indirect way (included the individual employers).
Denial of access to information about the persons who have perceived a supplement on being stirred up or on being ceased of the charge
IAI 54/2019
The right to the data protection does not prevent from giving the person information about the supplement claiming in an individualized way that the high ranking officials, the managerial staff and the workers have been able to perceive that they occupied places of confidence or of special responsibility in the entity on being ceased of its charges, in spite of going to occupying other places of equal or minor responsibility. With respect to other workers who occupied places of works that these circumstances did not meet at, the delivery should be made of seudonimyzed way.
Denyment of access to information on property exempt from payment by IBI
IAI 47/2019
Access by the claimant to information on the identity of holders, the address of property exempt from IBI or any other information that allows the identification of natural persons holding rights on these goods, would be contrary to the personal data protection regulations. This is without prejudice to the fact that information can be provided in an anonymized manner.
Total number of pages: 4