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50 results were found for your search terms Remunerations
Deniation of access to payrolls of workers of a public entity
IAI 29/2023
Data protection regulations would not allow the trade union delegate to access a copy of the payrolls of the work staff affected by the application for access. However, it is possible to communicate the information contained in payrolls in an aggregate way, so as to ensure that they are not identified.
Access to personal data of officials of the Parliament of Catalonia
CNS 11/2023
With the information available, it can be concluded that the jobs of A17 officials who are not LITERate (heads of department) can be considered to be places of special trust, of special responsibility within the organisation or of high pay. Access to individualised information on the pay of public workers must, in principle, be limited to senior managers and staff as well as to staff who hold positions of special trust, of special responsibility within the organisation or high level in the hierarchy of the entity, of free designation, or who carry a high level of pay. With regard to other public workers, the public interest in controlling public activity with regard to the destination of resources could also be satisfied without sacrificing the privacy of the persons concerned in such a way that information must be provided aggregated by groups and levels of intervals. As regards the three-year period of these workers, it would be in line with data protection regulations to provide information grouped by categories or by groups and levels of intervals. It is generally not considered appropriate to data protection regulations to provide information relating to the description, chronologically speaking, of the administrative situation of an entire group of officials throughout their administrative career, whether they are management staff or special responsibility or whether it affects other groups of officials.
Deniegation of access to workday information and restaurant ticket
IAI 21/2023
With regard to the request for access to information on the list of workers, from 1 January 2020 until the present, by years, indicating names and surnames, workplace and equipment where the activity is carried out, number of morning and afternoon days held in person and at a distance, and whether or not tickets have been paid in restaurants, it is justified only if this information is provided without identification by workplace and equipment where it performs its activity and replacing the name and surnames of workers with a code that does not allow them to be identified.
Deenegation of access to information on pay supplements and training of work personnel
IAI 17/2023
With regard to the list of people who have received productivity supplements in the last four years, as well as their amount, criteria and calculation requested, data protection regulations do not prevent access to this information from all employees of the County Council. As regards the list of people who have received the bonuses and/or other salary supplements in the last four years, access is only justified with regard to the workforce who hold high positions, management positions, trust, free appointment, special responsibility, or who involve high levels of pay. However, as far as the rest of the workforce is concerned, access is only justified if this information is provided without identifying by categories and replacing the name and surnames of working people with a code that does not allow them to be identified. With regard to information on the training of workers in the last four years, the personal data protection regulation does not prevent access. We must remember that the person representing the workers is subject to the duty of professional secrecy and secrecy.
Denyment of access to information on the remuneration of workers of a city council
IAI 23/2023
The data protection regulations allow, in this case, the union delegate to have access to a copy of the decrees of the mayor's approval of the payroll of the staff of the City Council, prior to anonymization of the data of the public employees concerned and limiting their access, if applicable, to any other information that may appear in the said decrees that exceed the object of their claim, pursuant to the principle of minimization of the data (Article 5.1.c of the GDPR). However, it would be possible to provide the merely identifying information contained in the mayor's decrees relating to the mayor, in the terms that have been set out.
Access to pay information for public company staff
CNS 4/2023
In view of the rules governing Equality Plans in companies, it can be said that the members of the Committee of Workers of the entity that are part of the negotiating Commission for the Equality Plan must be able to access information from the Tax Register, which must be in accordance with the terms of Article 28.2 of the ET, despite having professional categories with a small number of workers, while remaining those obliged to respect the confidentiality of this information.
Denying access to information about the target add-on of officials
IAI 9/2023
According to the terms in which the complaint is made, data protection regulations do not prevent the trade union delegate from accessing individualised information regarding the amount of the final destination supplement for senior officials involving high pay levels. As for the other official staff, it can only be made available in an aggregate way, without identifying the workers concerned with names and surnames.
Deniegation of access to information on remunerations of the mayor and councillors of a City Hall
IAI 6/2023
From the point of view of data protection regulations, there must be no impediment in providing the person by claiming information regarding the amounts received by each of the city councillors and mayor from June 2019 until October 2022 broken down by years and by concepts.
Denying access to pay information and identification of specific persons
IAI 1/2023
On the basis that the proposed assumption would not refer, by means of the information available, to senior management positions, trust, free designation, special responsibility or involving high levels of pay, from the point of view of the general purpose of transparency, and taking into account the principle of minimisation (Art. 5.1.c) GDPR), it does not seem justified to give access to the identity of the workers concerned.
Deniation of access in relation to the city council staff expenses
IAI 4/2023
Data protection legislation does not prevent the claimant from having access to the distribution of staff costs in the municipal budget, individually with regard to the remuneration of local management staff and staff in positions of special trust, of special responsibility within the organisation or high level in the structure of the corporation, of free designation, or involving a high level of remuneration. With regard to information on the staff costs corresponding to the remuneration of the other municipal workers, this must be provided grouped according to the corresponding levels and bodies.
Total number of pages: 5