The data protection regulations do not prevent the claimant from accessing the claimed information that does not contain personal data, such as that relating to the practical cases that the applicants have developed or the internship program that the selected candidates had to complete. Nor would it prevent access to the score that each member of the tribunal awarded to the two exercises carried out by the person claiming or to the scores of the two exercises carried out by the rest of the candidates who had obtained a score higher than that of the person claiming, nor likewise , to the score of the candidates in the practice phase. With regard to the acts of the qualifying court, the person making the claim must be able to access their content as long as they do not contain scores or information about the candidates who obtained a score lower than the person making the claim. You must also be able to access purely identifying data such as the name and surname and position of the people who have intervened in the processing of the file, including their email address.