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21 results were found for your search terms County council
Lack of a contract for the processing.
PS 93/2022
It is resolved to admonish the City Council of Bolvir, for having provided the entity to which it delegated the competence of management of municipal taxes, taxpayers' data and not having signed with said entity the corresponding contract of data processor or equivalent document.
Deenegation of access to information on pay supplements and training of work personnel
IAI 17/2023
With regard to the list of people who have received productivity supplements in the last four years, as well as their amount, criteria and calculation requested, data protection regulations do not prevent access to this information from all employees of the County Council. As regards the list of people who have received the bonuses and/or other salary supplements in the last four years, access is only justified with regard to the workforce who hold high positions, management positions, trust, free appointment, special responsibility, or who involve high levels of pay. However, as far as the rest of the workforce is concerned, access is only justified if this information is provided without identifying by categories and replacing the name and surnames of working people with a code that does not allow them to be identified. With regard to information on the training of workers in the last four years, the personal data protection regulation does not prevent access. We must remember that the person representing the workers is subject to the duty of professional secrecy and secrecy.
Denial of access to information on the monetary perceptions of the political groups of the County Council
IAI 23/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent the claimant from accessing information on the breakdown of the amounts allocated to each group and on the different expenditure concepts made by the groups during the requested period, for the purposes of controlling the destination of the funds they receive. It also does not prevent access to the supporting invoices for expenses that contain personal data of the councilors, as well as third-party natural persons with whom they have contracted, although it would be necessary to remove from the supporting documents the information that allows to analyze or establish certain relative aspects to the personal life of the person making the expenditure, their personal preferences or establishing certain guidelines of conduct, as well as certain data (such as private addresses or ID number), which are not relevant to achieve the purpose of transparency.
Access to basic social services files.
PT 125/2021
The claimant, who had applied for access to his entire dossier, complained that the Comarcal Council had responded late and partially. The response is stated to be extemporaneous, as the delay in the response cannot be attributed to the claimant's action. In substance, the right to access the following documentation is recognized: 1) a complaint letter submitted by the claimant, and the documentation derived from it; 2) the notes of the professionals that reflect the content of the interviews conducted to the claimant, and those whose revelation does not harm the claimant's interests; 3) the social services reports relating to the claimant; 4) the claim he submitted to the Regidic de Greuges and the documentation that derived it, since his object is closely linked to the file in respect of what the request was made.
Right of access.
PT 86/2021
The claimant asked for access to certain documents from a mediation process in which he had been involved and therefore concerning the processing of his personal data. The Authority handed over the claim to the Aran GC, which submitted written allegations. With his response, the claimed entity did not accredit having provided the requested documents.
Communication of data on the part of the Local in the town councils of the beneficiary persons of social services of the respective towns
The communication on the part of the local board|piece of advice of particulars of the beneficiary persons of social services of the respective towns, in the town councils of the region, can have sufficient juridical basis in accordance with the article|item 6.1.e) and 6.4 of the RGPD, without the consent of the affected ones, without harm of the necessary application of the principles of limitation of the purpose and of minimization being necessary.
- Social services
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- County council
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- County council
- Purpose limitation principle
- Lawfulness principle
- In the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
Denial of access to information about public helps and subsidies conceded to the political groups of a Local Advice
IAI 30/2019
The regulations of data protection do not block the access of the claimant to the information about the amounts paid by the Local Advice in the different political groups. It would not block the access to the information either about the different concepts of expense carried out by these groups and the amounts destined to each of them, including the fact that one of these expenses can be linked to a concrete local counselor. Beyond this, the information of which it is ordered attended to, from the prospect of the data protection (pinciple of minimization), the access with general character to the particulars of physical third parties different of the local counselors or of working persons in the service of the local advice, does not seem justified that they appear to the bills, to the effects of controlling the destination of the funds that they receive the municipal groups.
Data processing of the platform Diba-Hèstia for the provision of the basic social services
CNS 17/2018
The choice of a determinate model of management of the basic social services and the concretion of the responsibility about the treatment of the data corresponds to the implied entities. However, in principle the Local Board as well as the 25 Town Councils would have the condition of responsibles (art. 4.7 RGPD), attending to its respective competences (LSS). The Regional Government would be the person in charge of the treatment, not only on account of CC, but also of the 25 Town Councils, and the CAOC would be subentrusted. CC and the Town Councils should subscribe, respectively, the corresponding contracts of order with the Regional Government and the CAOC. The professionals will, only, have to have access to that necessary and pertinent information for the fulfillment of the respective competences of the local entity of the that RGPD depend (art. 5.1.c)).
Revelation of the contents of the diligences of embargo of real estate
CNS 16/2018
In the diligences of embargo of real estate it is not necessary to include information on the persons, different of the forced tributary, who show some real law about the real estate impounded, except the supposition of no coincidence between property and possession of the good, in what the identity of the owner will be able to be made be itself evident. The communication, if it is proper, of these data to interested third parties is expressly fitted out by the LGT and, from the next 25 May, by the forecasts of the article 6.1.c) and e) of the RGPD.
Check of the personal information contained in the requests of social benefits
CNS 75/2016
The Local Council is in the request of the provision, as well as the data related to the members of the economic unit of communal life that the additional seventh disposal of the Law 2/2014 foresees expressly authorized to check out the contained information, without the consent of the applicant.
- Administrative procedure
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Local administration
- County council
- Sensitive data
- Public administration
- Local administration
- County council
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- In the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
Total number of pages: 3