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10 results were found for your search terms County council
Communication of data on the part of the Local in the town councils of the beneficiary persons of social services of the respective towns
The communication on the part of the local board|piece of advice of particulars of the beneficiary persons of social services of the respective towns, in the town councils of the region, can have sufficient juridical basis in accordance with the article|item 6.1.e) and 6.4 of the RGPD, without the consent of the affected ones, without harm of the necessary application of the principles of limitation of the purpose and of minimization being necessary.
- Social services
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- County council
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- County council
- Purpose limitation principle
- Lawfulness principle
- In the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
Check of the personal information contained in the requests of social benefits
CNS 75/2016
The Local Council is in the request of the provision, as well as the data related to the members of the economic unit of communal life that the additional seventh disposal of the Law 2/2014 foresees expressly authorized to check out the contained information, without the consent of the applicant.
- Administrative procedure
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Local administration
- County council
- Sensitive data
- Public administration
- Local administration
- County council
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- In the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
Report in relation to the data transmission tributary for the administrations that manage, liquidate, inspect or collect tributes for delegation of the town councils
PD 7/2016
Made possible that the Catalan regional governments communicate To the Tributary Agency of Catalonia tributary information that they manage for delegation of the town councils
CNS 26/2016
The Catalan regional governments can communicate directly the ATC information related to tributes that they manage or collect for delegation of the town councils if the agreement of order of the treatment foresees it expressly or if they receive instructions of the Town Council in this sense. To lack of this forecast or of specific instructions to the respect, the communication can be made if a specific law is counted on that him prevegui.
Advertising of the resolution of socioeconomic helps concession to the pupils of a private school
CNS 28/2015
The publication of the resolution of socioeconomic helps concession (canteen scholarships) in the board of advertisements of the teaching institutions in substitution of its notification to the persons concerned it would entail, in attention to the collective affected (minors) and to the nature of the public help (situations of social vulnerability), an affectation to its right to the protection of particulars, among other rights, for which it would be necessary to apply the foreseen mechanism to the article 61 of the LRJPAC, in such a way that the identity was preserved from the beneficiaries.
- Administrative procedure
- Subsidies
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Local administration
- County council
- Child data
- Sensitive data
- Rights of honour, privacy and self-image
- Public administration
- Local administration
- County council
- Education centre
- Purpose limitation principle
- Quality principle
- Proportionality
- Active publicity
- Subsidies
Possibility to publish the flow chart of the organization in a corporative intranet with its retributius pictures
CNS 46/2014
The basis salary as well as the complement of fate, the specific complement and the complement of productivity associated with each job of the Local Council, but not the retributius concepts associated with a concrete worker, can be an object of publication in the corporative intranet of the Local Council. The publication in the intranet of the amount perceived in concept of triennia only would be in agreement with the regulations of data protection regarding the amount established for every triennium depending on the group that is belonged to, but not the amount effectively perceived by each worker.
Cession in the Town Council of data of the users of the social services of the Local Council in order to carry out complementary activities of social support in the town
CNS 13/2014
The Local Council would be authorized to communicate the data of the titular persons of reports of social services to the Town Council of its region that asks it for 11.1 LOPD, if it has the consent of the headlines of the data, in accordance with the article. The consent has to be express if in the communication there are sensitive data (art. 7 LOPD). The authorization of the titular person of the report of social services, can include also the communication of information that, in spite of referring to third parties, is part of the report, in so far as it is a matter of information that indirectly refers to the person who authorizes it.
- Social services
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- County council
- Child data
- Sensitive data
- Right of information
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- County council
- Purpose limitation principle
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
Access of the Local Council to data of the headlines of the allotments affected in a procedure of declaration of Or of Local Interest.
CNS 25/2013
With general character, a request of information about data of the estate Property Register he should go to the General Direction or managements or submanagements of the Property Register, if it is proper, in the terms and of the way that 1/2004, of 5 March, by which the text is approved is ordered in the Royal Legislative Decree revised of the Law of the Estate Property Register, and in the Royal Decree 417/2006, of 7 April, for which the text revised of the Law of the Property Register Immobliari is developed. In the present case, the Local Council could request, by itself, to access to determinate cadastral data protected of the headlines of the estates of the town required, in order to exercise the competences that it has attributed by virtue of Law 7/1985, of 2 April, regulatory of the bases of the regime local and of Law 9/1993, of 30 September, of the Catalan Cultural Heritage, in accordance with the forecasts of the article 53.2.a) of the Law of the Property Register Estate.
Recruitment of a company of services that works in the "cloud"
CNS 24/2012
The recruitment of the services Google Apps for Business for a local council requires the realization d’una previous analysis of the risks that for the security and integrity of the personal information its treatment can entail in environments that work in the “núvol”. In the measure that Google Ireland Limited makes a data processing on account of the responsible, the recruitment of its services requires, d’entrada, the signature d’un contract d’encarregat of the treatment. However, the conditions in which subjects itself the service Google Apps for Business attended to, l’existència d’aquest contract d’encarregat so that it uses does not presuppose that the treatment of the data for Google Ireland Limited is carried to term always with all the guarantees required by the Spanish regulations of protection of data of personal character.
Cession of data of the municipal census of inhabitants to a Consortium on the subject of social services
CNS 26/2011
The cession of particulars of the municipal Census of inhabitants to a Consortium, without consent of the affected ones, requires that he fits out a rule with rank of law. In the examined case, in so far as the Consortium has the competence delegated on the subject of social services of determinate towns and, more in particular, the provision of the service of first reception of immigrated persons, and since the knowledge of the address is relevant to be able to identify the collective of persons to whom these programs go directed, the cession would be in agreement with the LOPD to have sufficient habilitation in the regulations of local regime.