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3,654 results were found
Partial estimate. Subjective Annotations
PT 128/2021
The claimant complained that the healthcare center had not provided a full copy of its clinical history. The health center admits that it has not provided a complete copy of the clinical history to the patient on the basis of the right to book subjective annotations of professionals. It is estimated in part because some of the information that was not given cannot be encapsulated in what is to be understood by subjective annotation.
Communication of data to unauthorized third parties.
PS 58/2021
The City Council revealed confidential information about the person complaining about a police file.The person was reported to the lawyer of his ex-husband, who was a GU agent, in particular, a report concerning a police action relating to the complainant.The officials of the Urban Guard who intervened in the facts of the aforementioned police file also reported these facts to the person's ex-husband.
HC access misfits
IP 392/2020
The complaint is filed to the extent that the access to the HC subject of complaint was justified. Access was to the effect of assessing previous accesses in relation to which the complainant had requested traceability.
Unpaid access requested via electronic procedures incorporating authentication.
PT 4/2022
The claimant requested access to his data telematically to the PGI through the Department of the Interior's electronic record, without providing a copy of the documentation justifying his identity, and the PDO required him to provide a compressed copy of the DNI, passport or NIE in force in order to prove his identity. The claim submitted by the claimant is estimated and required in the PDB, so that the right of access exercised by the claimant is effective.
Remission of police information to a judge by allegedly incompetent person.
IP 73bis/2021
A Chief of a Police Basic Area responded to a request made by a judge (on whether a City Council requested the SIP user leave of the person complaining), when according to the person denouncing who should have responded is the head of the DSIP. The complaint is filed because it cannot be ruled out that it was the judge himself who requested the information to the head of the aforementioned ABP, either because it was his police reference for the Generalitat Police in the municipality to which the judicial body belonged, or because the City Council - subject to the consultation made by the Court - belonged to that ABP. On the other hand, if the head of the ABP had access to the information requested by the Court, he would be legitimized for communicating it to the court. Nor can it be ruled out that the head of the DSIP had authorized it.
Unencrypted email DSIP and incompetent person, request hearings on improper access to SIP.
IP 73/2021
It was reported that a chief of the Urban Guard of a City Council, (1) had sent an unencrypted email to the head of the unit in charge of managing the Police Information Systems (SIP) requesting that the person complaining be unpaid as a user of the SIP, in contravention of the SIP Security Manual. He also denounced (2) that the City Council had requested audits of access to the SIP made by the complainant, without legal cause and to a person who was not responsible. The complaint is filed for the following reasons: (1) it is not known that the mail was sent unencrypted (and in any case the facts would be prescribed), and the sending of the mail to the security chief would be covered by the fulfilment of the functions entrusted to the head of the PL; (2) As regards the requests for audit, they are not specific to which requests it refers, there is no record of them being sent to the incompetent person, nor the rule that would have been contravened. In any case, the complainant already filed a complaint with the Authority, concerning the application of an audit application for alleged misuse of the SIP, and the Authority filed the complaint on the grounds that the audit request was legitimate.
Denial of access to information about his deceased mother
IAI 12/2022
The claimant may obtain information on the amounts received by his or her deceased mother on the occasion of the recognition of the financial benefit for care in the family environment and support for non-professional caregivers, unless there is the express opposition of the deceased. your child's access to your personal information.
Denial of access to the agendas of the mayor and the first, second and third deputy mayors
IAI 14/2022
Data protection regulations would not prevent access to information on meetings held by the Mayor and, where applicable, Deputy Mayors; with other public officials, specifying the position and the reasons for the meeting. Nor would it prevent access to meetings held in the context of the actions of persons considered as stakeholders for the purposes of transparency legislation, including in the case of legal persons, the identity of the natural person who represents them. Information on events or meetings held with third-party natural persons acting in the name and on behalf of legal persons, for purposes other than those of the stakeholders' own actions, should be provided omitting the identity of the specific person representing them. Information about meetings with third parties acting on their own behalf should be provided anonymously.
Denial of access to the agendas of the mayor and the first, second and third deputy mayors
IAI 13/2022
Data protection regulations would not prevent access to information on meetings held by the Mayor and, where applicable, Deputy Mayors; with other public officials, specifying the position and the reasons for the meeting. Nor would it prevent access to meetings held in the context of the actions of persons considered as stakeholders for the purposes of transparency legislation, including in the case of legal persons, the identity of the natural person who represents them. Information on events or meetings held with third-party natural persons acting in the name and on behalf of legal persons, for purposes other than those of the stakeholders' own actions, should be provided omitting the identity of the specific person representing them. Information about meetings with third parties acting on their own behalf should be provided anonymously.
Denial of access to information on personnel and on the training activity of the City Council
IAI 10/2022
Data protection regulations do not preclude access to certain information relating to the appointments of temporary and career civil servants, to temporary assignments, to the assignment of functions, to the assignment of functions or to the commission of services; information on the financial supplements for the jobs provided by the system of temporary assignment or assignment of functions and the list of staff admitted to the training activities organized or financed by the City Council, including the expenditure incurred by the City Council.
Total number of pages: 366