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191 results were found for your search terms Clinical record
Manipulation of medical information.
IP 522/2024
The complainant alleged that his medical history had been manipulated. Specifically, he stated that the diagnosis of the injuries he suffered in an accident was incorrect and that the images contained therein were blurred and cropped. During the processing of the claim, the hospital proved that the information in the complainant's medical history was correct, that there had been no modification after the date of the accident and that the images were not blurred or cropped. The procedure is closed, since no punishable act from the point of view of data protection can be attributed to the hospital, nor can any responsibility be attributed to the reported and unaccredited acts.
Violation of the principle of confidentiality due to 9 improper accesses to the medical record.
PS 67/2024
Title: Breach of the principle of confidentiality due to 9 improper accesses to the medical record.
Summary: The complainant complained about 9 improper accesses to her medical record that were not related to any healthcare or diagnostic action, since she had never been treated at the center or by the doctor who had made the disputed accesses. The complainant also complained that, within the framework of a meeting of a neighborhood association, the doctor had disseminated some of the complainant's health data. This alleged disclosure of data was filed in the initiation agreement, since the facts were not proven. With regard to the 9 improper accesses proven, the entity is sanctioned for the breach of the principle of confidentiality with a fine of €30,000, as responsible for an infringement provided for in article 83.5.a in relation to article 5.1.f, both of the GDPR. The entity has paid the penalty in advance (€24,000).
Violation of the principle of legality derived from the failure to adopt appropriate measures.
PS 14/2024
The medical history of the reported foundation is configured in such a way that, by design and by default, the foundation's own and external doctors can access it, through the foundation's information systems. This fact caused an external doctor who treated the reporting person within the framework of private healthcare to access his medical history, without his explicit consent or any other legal basis that legitimized this treatment. In this case, the violation of the duty of data protection by design and by default is not imputed, since there is an ideal competition of infringements and only the most serious infringement is imputed; that is, the violation of the principle of legality (qualified as very serious). Nor is the violation of the principle of purpose limitation imputed, because it is subsumed in the infringement relating to the principle of legality.
Access to the record of access to the clinical history
IAI 37/2023
The data protection regulations do not prevent the complainant from communicating the information he requests, regarding access to his clinical history, including the identity of the professionals, rank and professional category, who have accessed it.
Access to the HC3 of the person reporting by the DPD.
IP 283/2022
The person making the complaint showed that her HC3 was accessed from CABO Centelles on four occasions, during the months of May 2022, despite not having been visited at that health center. In response, the DPD of the reported entity has confirmed that it is the material author of the accesses and has justified them by arguing that they were necessary to be able to respond to a request for information that this Authority notified to the aforementioned entity, within the framework of another complaint. filed by the same person complaining. In relation to this, during the prior information phase it was found that the accesses carried out by the personal data protection delegate to the complainant's HC3 were justified, given that they were carried out in the exercise of his duties. , and to respond to a request from this Authority. For all this, the filing of these proceedings is appropriate.
Data inaccuracy.
PS 30/2023
It is resolved to declare that the Department of Health has committed the infringement provided for in Article 83.5a), in relation to Article 5 RGPD, which contemplates the principle of accuracy of personal data, since the platform "My Health" of the complainant contains inaccurate information about health professionals who would have attended it in different medical consultations. The discord is also manifested between the information contained on the one hand in the HC of the health center and the HC3; and on the other hand, in the information that appears in the LMS viewer.
Resolution to archive a complaint for access to the HC3
IP 213/2022
The person making the complaint complained of improper access to his or her medical records. It is resolved to archive the proceedings to the extent that within the framework of the prior information it has not been verified that any act that could constitute an infringement has occurred, while it has been sufficiently justified that the controversial access was carried out within the framework of the tasks assigned to the professional who carried it out.
Access to the HC3 of the complainant.
IP 415/2022
The archiving of the actions is resolved since the reported entity has justified that the controversial access to HC3 of the complainant was caused by a typing error, within the framework of the RedCov project, in which certain parameters had to be consulted in various clinical stories.
Access to the shared clinical history and conservation of clinical history.
IP 222/2021
The archiving of the facts related to alleged improper access to the HC3 of the complainant is resolved, since they were justified accesses. Likewise, it is also resolved to archive the facts related to the lack of conservation of the clinical history since the EBA Centelles has provided sufficient elements that allow to verify that the information is preserved. Regarding the complaints of the complainant related, on the one hand, to the fact that the reported entity would have proceeded to modify its patient file by assigning a new doctor of the head the complainant, and on the other hand, to the fact that a doctor would have introduced false medical notes, the facts are filed because no violation of the principle of accuracy is observed.
Exercise of the right of deletion.
PT 120/2022
The claim should be dismissed, given that the claimed entity acted in accordance with law, dismissing the request for deletion formulated by the person here claiming, gave it a specific response and adjusted to that provided by the health legislation, taking into account the legal terms of conservation, and the importance of preserving its relevant health data to guarantee the person claiming adequate health care from any health center.
Total number of pages: 20