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3,654 results were found
Right of access.
PT 113/2022
The claim for protection of the right of access is upheld, given that the complainant exercised the request for the right of access that affected the Department of Health, CatSalut and the ICS, and that with the response given to the person complaining on 24/ 05/2023, it cannot be considered that the 3 responsible entities have made effective the right of access exercised by the complainant, since, although they did give him information about some of the data processing referring to his person, it was not a specific response regarding the rest of the data processing listed in the request. Nor was the person complaining informed of the reasons why information on some treatments is not available.
Deniation of access to payrolls of workers of a public entity
IAI 29/2023
Data protection regulations would not allow the trade union delegate to access a copy of the payrolls of the work staff affected by the application for access. However, it is possible to communicate the information contained in payrolls in an aggregate way, so as to ensure that they are not identified.
Access to the HC3 of the complainant.
IP 415/2022
The archiving of the actions is resolved since the reported entity has justified that the controversial access to HC3 of the complainant was caused by a typing error, within the framework of the RedCov project, in which certain parameters had to be consulted in various clinical stories.
Grabación de pruebas psicotécnicas en procesos de selección de personal
CNS 14/2023
El tratamiento de los datos necesarios para la realización de las pruebas de los procesos de selección de personal, incluidas los datos de salud de los participantes, tiene como base jurídica el cumplimiento de una misión en interés público y el cumplimiento de obligaciones específicas de las administraciones competentes establecidas por la normativa de función pública. La grabación de las pruebas psicotécnicas requiere, además de su previsión en las correspondientes bases de las convocatorias (con la concreción y determinación de las garantías específicas necesarias), la realización previa de una AIPD. No parece que la base jurídica del consentimiento sea adecuado para legitimar el tratamiento de los datos de los aspirantes a un proceso selectivo con la finalidad descrita, dado que no se puede considerar que en el caso planteado pudiera haber un consentimiento realmente libre, ni la posibilidad de establecer medios alternativos que garantizaran el principio de igualdad que tiene que regir los procedimientos selectivos.
Emailing alumni to learners about a training program
CNS 13/2023
The Foundation could send an e-mail reporting on the training it will give this summer to its pupils on the legal basis of legitimate interest, provided that the information is limited to the training programme examined and is addressed exclusively to the pupils of up to 35 years of vocational training cycles, who should be given the option of opposing receiving communications of this kind.
Disrespect of the right of access and opposition within the framework of a process of municipal citizen participation.
PT 31/2023
The claimant complained about the lack of attention to their rights of access and opposition that he would have exercised before the City Council, within the framework of his participation in a process of citizen participation of urban theme. The claim is estimated and the City Council is required to make effective the rights of access and opposition of the claimant and to account for this Authority.
Ignoring the right to deletion of police record data.
PT 40/2023
The claim is estimated, given that the General Directorate of the Police of the Department of the Interior did not respond in time to the request of the person making the claim, without it being necessary to make a statement on the merits, given that the DGP has estimated the deletion request.
Inclusion of excessive health data in a medical opinion.
PS 16/2023
It is resolved to reprimand the accused entity given that, following a request for permanent disability, presented by the complainant here, a doctor issued a medical opinion, which included data referring to her health, which had nothing to do with the pathology that caused it. the disability petition. The complainant based her request on certain chronic back and foot injuries, and the controversial opinion included medical information related to a gynecological pathology, which had nothing to do with the IP file. This fact is considered to have violated the principle of minimization of personal data, which is why the General Subdirectorate of Medical Evaluations is reprimanded.
Right of access
PT 117/2022
The right of access presented by the claimant in which he requested access to the recordings of the minutes of the meeting of the City Council’s Negotiating Board is estimated, to the extent that it has been verified that the City Council did not give a response to the applicant. The interested party has the right to receive a response from the data controller to their request for the right of access, without prejudice to the fact that in this response the entity may indicate that it does not have the requested information.
Missing authorization for the installation of a video surveillance system.
PS 25/2023
The City Council put into operation and keep the system of fixed video surveillance cameras active in the municipality, without having obtained the prior authorization of the General Directorate of Citizen Security.
Total number of pages: 366