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3,654 results were found
Access to information on the provision of drinking water supply service
CNS 8/2023
In this case, for the information available, access by the applicant to a copy of the users' register of the drinking water supply service in a town planning, supply contracts and receipts liquidated between May 2022 and February 2023 cannot be considered as justified, nor can it be considered to be the personal data that may appear in the accounting register system established during the replacement in the provision of this service. However, there would be no problem, if necessary, in providing him with economic information, broken down and aggregated on the cost arising from the provision of the service, in the terms indicated in the opinion.
Deenegation of access to information on pay supplements and training of work personnel
IAI 17/2023
With regard to the list of people who have received productivity supplements in the last four years, as well as their amount, criteria and calculation requested, data protection regulations do not prevent access to this information from all employees of the County Council. As regards the list of people who have received the bonuses and/or other salary supplements in the last four years, access is only justified with regard to the workforce who hold high positions, management positions, trust, free appointment, special responsibility, or who involve high levels of pay. However, as far as the rest of the workforce is concerned, access is only justified if this information is provided without identifying by categories and replacing the name and surnames of working people with a code that does not allow them to be identified. With regard to information on the training of workers in the last four years, the personal data protection regulation does not prevent access. We must remember that the person representing the workers is subject to the duty of professional secrecy and secrecy.
Report in relation to the Draft Decree of the National Commission for a Coordinated Intervention against Gender Violence
PD 4/2023
Denegación de acceso a información relativa a un proceso de estabilización de la Generalitat
IAI 25/2023
Tomando en consideración los términos en que se formula la reclamación la normativa de protección de datos no impide el acceso de la persona reclamante a la información solicitada con la previa pseudonimització de los datos personales.
Infringement of the right to information
PS 1/2023
The form of the application in paper format did not include all the information in Article 13 GDPR. The online application form included all the ends of Article 13 of the GDPR, although through a chain of links that made it unreachable and transparent.
Disregardless of data from police records.
PT 11/2023
The resolution of the DGP is declared untimely, given that the right to erasure was resolved and notified beyond the 1 month deadline established for the purpose, without going into other considerations with regard to the substance, since the DGP has decided to delete the data of the complainant.
Notification constrained by a traffic sanction at the address of another vehicle.
PS 8/2023
Resolution is issued, we imput the principle of accuracy given that a resolution is notified executively in a postal address corresponding to another vehicle of the person concerned; and not in the postal address that is specifically linked to the vehicle sanctioned in the registers of the DGT and that is the correct one in accordance with Article 90 of the LLei transit.
Resolution archiving a complaint about the data in electronic notifications of the Agency of Housing of Catalonia.
IP 7/2022
It is reported that a notification has been made as a natural person rather than as a representative of a legal person. The facts have not been proven to constitute an administrative infringement.
Access to information on the identity of tax debtors
CNS 1/2023
The access of the councilors to information regarding the amount and reason for the doubtful debts could find its justification in the control and supervision functions legally attributed to the councilors. This, without the need to provide the identity (name and surname) of all affected natural persons, for the purposes of the minimization principle. This, without prejudice to the fact that, once the information is known in the terms indicated, in some cases it may also be pertinent to know the identity of those affected, a possibility that would require specific consideration, taking into account the principles of data protection.
Denyment of access to information on the remuneration of workers of a city council
IAI 23/2023
The data protection regulations allow, in this case, the union delegate to have access to a copy of the decrees of the mayor's approval of the payroll of the staff of the City Council, prior to anonymization of the data of the public employees concerned and limiting their access, if applicable, to any other information that may appear in the said decrees that exceed the object of their claim, pursuant to the principle of minimization of the data (Article 5.1.c of the GDPR). However, it would be possible to provide the merely identifying information contained in the mayor's decrees relating to the mayor, in the terms that have been set out.
Total number of pages: 366