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18 results were found for your search terms Public company
Principle of confidentiality
IP 121/2021
The complaint has been filed because it has not been possible to prove that a worker from a public service provider company, who in the course of her professional duties had access to the personal data of the complainant, within the framework of an informal conversation with a police officer, had come to identify the complainant as the person who authored an incident in the offices of the entity. Innocence presumption.
Report on the Draft Decree approving the regulations for the implementation of Titles I, III and IV of Law 9/2014 of 31 July on the industrial safety of establishments, facilities and products
PD 2/2022
You project legitimacy for the data processing of the persons who take part of insertion socio and work
CNS 35/2021
In accordance with the article 18 of Law 13/2015, the consent of the persons affected for treating the data of the persons that they request is necessary they take part in projects of insertion socio and work of collectives with difficulties of insertion, as well as when the municipal society performs like employment agency.
Communication of urbanistic report insurance company entity.
IP 179/2020
The complaint|denunciation is filed for application of the principles of presumption of innocence and of responsibility. There is not evidence that allows to infer that the Town Council facilitated a copy of the administrative report to|in an entity insurance company. And the access to the report that it|he|she allowed a physical person, it|he|she has its|his|her|their coverage in the public action|share that refegeix on the subject of urban planning.
Communication to the representatives of occupational risk prevention of the listing of workers potentially exposed in the asbestos
CNS 64/2018
The treatment or cession to the representatives of prevention of the listing of included persons as potentially exposed in the asbestos, the persons that any more are not linked in the company included, it would fit to the regulations of data protection, in accordance with the articles 6.1.c) RGPD and 22.1 and 5, 36.1 a) 36. 2 b) of the LPRL, and it would not require the consent of these persons. The treatment or cession to the representatives of prevention of the name and job of the persons affected by the exposure to the asbestos, would fit to the regulations of data protection, in accordance with the articles 9.2. b) and h) RGPD, and 22.4 and 36.2 c) of the LPRL, and he would not require the express consent from the affected ones.
Denial of access to individualized data of the members of the board of directors and of the managerial committee of a public company
The right to the data protection does not prevent|block from giving the person claiming information in an individualized way about the remunerations perceived, for all concepts, by the members of the board of directors diets and compensations included, since 2007 until the present, of (...), as well as for the members of the committee of direction, in so far as, for the brought information, these would show places of confidence or of special responsibility in the organization.
Cession of data of the municipal census of inhabitants in a social Center for old people
CNS 30/2016
The communication of data contained a public service in the municipal Census of inhabitants from the Town Council in a municipal company that he manages to check out the condition of neighbor of the users, it constitutes a cession of data that it is not fitted out by the article 16.3 of the LRBRL, because the assign entity does not have the condition of public administration. However, there would not be impediment to the mentioned cession if the municipal company has established a contract of person in charge of the treatment with the titular Town Council of the service. There is also the possibility that the municipal company, with regard to the article 11.2.c) of the LOPD, it facilitates the list of the users of the service in the Town Council, which as a headline of the service can make the check of the condition of neighbor of these users.
Responsible for the treatment in the service of supply of potable water and sewerage of a town
CNS 63/2015
From the point of view of the protection of data, the town council, headline of the service of supply of potable water and sewerage, he should be also a responsible for the file in which the particulars linked to the provision of this service are contained (article 3.d) LOPD) and the dealer company should be the person in charge of the treatment of these data (article 3.g) LOPD).
Report in relation to the Project of Order for which the files are regulated that contain data of personal character managed by the Department of Justice
PD 27/2012
Access of the town councilors to particulars of the workers of a municipal company
CNS 28/2012
L’accés on the part of the town councilors to the relative data to the date in which the staff of municipal l’empresa registered to the Service d’Ocupació and to the date of its recruitment, is not contrary to the regulations of data protection, whenever they are information necessary for the development of the concrete functions of control assigned to the town councilor or to town councilors that they request l’accés. However, taking into account that for the information of which the pursued purpose is ordered the affected workers could be attained equally without need d’identificar, he proposes itself to consider the possibility to give the town councilors the information requested in a way anonymized, so that the workers are not identifiable.
Total number of pages: 2