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12 results were found for your search terms Subsidies
Denial of access to information on music training grants
IAI 84/2021
In accordance with the rules on the protection of personal data, the access of the claimant to the full content of the requested files is not justified, given the nature of the personal information of the files and the persons affected. This is without prejudice to the provision of anonymised or pseudonymized information which allows the calculations made in each case to be verified and verified, without allowing the identification or re-identification of the persons affected.
Identificació de les persones beneficiàries d'un ajut públic.
IP 141/2021
La identificació de les persones beneficiàries d'ajuts públics durant el termini de 5 anys, deriva del compliment d'una obligació legal i d'una missió en interès públic, de conformitat amb la Llei 19/20214 (art. 15.1.c). Atès l'anterior, aquest tractament és lícit.
Publication of monitor data in the documentation of a grant awarded to the AMPA of a municipal school
CNS 49/2020
Taking into account the principle of minimization, it cannot be considered that article 15.1.e) of the LTC is a sufficient enabling rule for the City Council to disseminate in the examined case the identity of the monitors and the amount received by them, as individualized, in compliance with the obligation of active advertising. This is without prejudice to the fact that the City Council must access the identity of the monitors hired by the AMPA and the remuneration received for the control of the subsidy.
Publication of remunerations of organs of direction of private entities who perceive subsidies
CNS 36/2019
In accordance with the regulations of data protection it is not justified to publish the name and surnames, number of DNI and signature of the person that the declaration describes about the remunerations of the managerial charges and administrators of the entity to the effects that the article establishes 15.2 LTC, being sufficient to publish the remuneration associated with each of the organs of direction or administration of the entity.
Publication of information related with the beneficiary persons of subsidies
CNS 56/2017
The legislation of administrative procedure would fit out the publication of the name and surnames of the applicant persons of the subsidies granted to the effects of attaining the purpose of notification in the approval of the procedure of concession, if like this it is in the call foreseen. In case there was coincidence of names and surnames among the audiences, the four last figures of the NIF of the affected persons could be published. The legislation of transparency would fit out the publication of the name and surnames of the beneficiary persons of subsidies and helps, to the effects of attaining the purpose of advertising and transparency in subvencional matter of the administration, without harm that there can be cases in that for reasons of concurrence of circumstances of social vulnerability of the affected persons, it is necessary to preserve the identity of these persons.
Denial of access to information about the Program of improvement of the ocupabilitat of a Town Council
IAI 39/2017
The regulations of data protection do not block the access of the claimant to the description of the Program of Improvement of the Ocupabilitat, the date of the projects that integrate it and description of the same ones, or in the certificate of the municipal intervention of the economic endowment he Programs of Improvement of the Ocupabilitat, in the requested terms, on not containing personal information beyond, if it is proper, of the identificatives data of the civil servants or municipal authorities who can sign this documentation. The regulations of data protection do not block the access of the claimant to the identity of the persons who have been hired, as a result of its participation in those projects of the Program. However, it does not seem that the access to the identity of the persons who have been able to take part in those projects of the Program, consistent only in courses of formation, is justified.
Principi de qualitat en la seva vessant d'exactitud en el marc de cessions de dades entre AAPP.
IP 42/2017
La persona denunciant es queixava perquè l'oficina de treball hauria facilitat dades inexactes sobre la seva persona, cosa que hauria provocat la pèrdua del lloc de treball al qual s'havia presentat. Doncs bé, un cop preguntades a les diferents entitats implicades s'arxiven els fets denunciats perquè la informació facilitada era correcta ja que la persona denunciant no reunia els requisits exigits per la convocatòria de l'oferta de treball.
Publication of determinate personal information in the Portal of transparency and in the municipal web
CNS 6/2017
When the legislation of transparency foresees the duty to publish information to the portal of transparency or the web corporative (subsidies and public helps, authorization of accountings, formation of workers, retributiva information, administrative concessions, among others), the regulations of data protection do not prevent the publication of personal information, although it is necessary to avoid the publication of unnecessary information. When the publication derives from other rules with rank of law, he will have to be to the terms that this legislation establishes, without harm which it is necessary to respect what derives from the LOPD. The advertising of information related to "any matter of public interest (...)" (art. 8.1.m) LTC), he does not authorize to publish particulars related with this, without consent or without specific legal habilitation, and therefore in principle it will be necessary to anonymize or to dissociate the particulars.
Publication and consultation of the beneficiaries for scholarships and helps
CNS 59/2016
The publication of the listing of persons beneficiaries (name and surnames), with indication of the amount of the scholarship granted to students that process studies laid compulsory (Resolution of 30 July 2015), sufficient habilitation has in rules with legal rank (LGS and LT), so that it is not necessary to have the consent of the ones affected (art. 11.2.a) LOPD). There is not sufficient legal habilitation, to the effects of the regime of data communication (art. 11.2.a) LOPD), to publish and to spread the listing of the helps for pupils with specific need of educational support (Resolution of 24 July 2015), unless the identity is preserved from the beneficiaries, given the singularity of the article 15.1.c) LTC. It is necessary to the web of the Department of Education to establish measures adapted to articulate the consultations.
- Subsidies
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Identification data
- Sensitive data
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- Active publicity
- Subsidies
Access of a town councilor to information of the beneficiary persons of social benefits
CNS 7/2016
The access to the information about the subsidies conceded by the social services, without identifying the motive of the subsidy and without being able to be inferred, it can agree protected by the law of the town councilors on consulting the documentation of which he orders the Town Council for the exercise of its functions, independently of its condition of members of the government or of the opposition. However, if the requested information contained protege or data deserving of a special reservation or confidentiality in attention to the concurrence given about information especially of determinate qualified circumstances (for example, data of minors attended to by the social services, data related with the violence against women, data that affect the security of the persons, etc, or that allow to obtain a profile from it) and given the terms in which the request is formulated, the right to the data protection can justify a limitation upward of access. To these effects the information anonymized or through a system of coding could be given that it does not allow to identify the affected persons.
- Subsidies
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Councillors
- Anonymised data
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Councillors
- Purpose limitation principle
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- Right of access to information
- Councillors
- Active publicity
- Subsidies
Total number of pages: 2