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The information on which the search is based has been translated by a computer system without human intervention. It may contain errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The translation may also produce mistakes in the searches performed.
3,654 results were found
IAI 11/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent you from communicating to the trade union section of the City Council, the information you request about the relationship of Technical Services jobs with the descriptive files with the first and last names of the people who occupy the different jobs whether permanent, interim or temporary and the positions that are vacant, as well as the duration of the interim or temporary relationship of each one with the city council, for the fulfillment of the functions of the workers' representatives. In any case, the hearing procedure must be granted as provided for in article 31.1 of the LTC to find out if there is a specific personal circumstance that justifies the limitation of the right of access.
PT 107/2021
The claim is appreciated because he was not responded to his request for the right of access. The claimant had the right to receive a response from the person responsible for the treatment, even to indicate that he did not have the information requested.
IAI 9/2022
In accordance with data protection regulations, the councilor's access to the full report claimed should be denied as it contains data deserving of special protection and there are no other circumstances that allow the right of access to prevail. councilor above the right to data protection of the persons concerned. The data protection regulations would not prevent the councilor from accessing certain information contained in the requested report that would allow to know the problems produced and the municipal action to respond to them, without including the details of all the facts produced, nor the identity of the people affected.
PT 144/2021
Since the requested entity partially handed over the information subject to the right of access, it is appropriate to estimate the claim, and to require the FUOC to comply with the literality of Article 15 GDPR by handing the claimant any data in his possession referring to his person, with the understanding that, in addition to the submission of the data provided for in the aforementioned article, the documents that are stated in this legal basis, as well as other information relating to the claimant, should be handed over to the claimant, which would open up to the claimant's power.
PT 20/2022
The resolution of the Directorate-General of the Police, which estimates the request for access to personal data contained in the person's SIP PF file claimed here, is declared to be extemporaneous. On the other hand, the claim is partially estimated, given the disregard of the right of access to the data contained in the SIP PFMEN file.
PT 15/2022
The ICS, within the framework of the present rights protection procedure and in response to the request for access by the person here claiming, specifically asking for the registration of health professionals who accessed their clinical history of primary care (ECAP) from 09/08/2021 to 15/12/2021, has submitted to them in 21/02/2022 a list of accesses to their clinical history made in the aforementioned period, also informing them that all of them had a purely assistive purpose. The complainant, consulted by this authority, has not filed any allegations against being satisfied with the information obtained, which is why the ICS' response is declared to be extemporaneous without any further pronouncements on the substance of the complaint.
PT 125/2021
The claimant, who had applied for access to his entire dossier, complained that the Comarcal Council had responded late and partially. The response is stated to be extemporaneous, as the delay in the response cannot be attributed to the claimant's action. In substance, the right to access the following documentation is recognized: 1) a complaint letter submitted by the claimant, and the documentation derived from it; 2) the notes of the professionals that reflect the content of the interviews conducted to the claimant, and those whose revelation does not harm the claimant's interests; 3) the social services reports relating to the claimant; 4) the claim he submitted to the Regidic de Greuges and the documentation that derived it, since his object is closely linked to the file in respect of what the request was made.
IAI 8/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent the access of the claimant to the documentation of the courses in which he participated as the person in charge of the training activity. With regard to the courses in which he did not participate as the person responsible, the data protection regulations would not prevent the complainant from accessing the merely identifying data of the public employees who had participated in the management of the courses, to the staff relationship. teacher who attended as a student, and the trainers in charge of teaching. With regard to information containing data on attendance, assessments and / or scores, the personal data contained in the training course documentation must be anonymised in advance.
IAI 7/2022
Data protection regulations do not prevent access to information relating solely to the claimant’s own working conditions, nor to the merely identifying data of the persons responsible for establishing their work schedule. With regard to the “hostile incident” request, the complainant has the right to access all information about her person listed in the documentation, including the source of the information (identity of the persons who have provided it), unless the hearing procedure results in a circumstance that justifies the limitation of access. Access to third-party health data that the claimant may not have previously known about their caregiver functions, and other irrelevant third-party information, should be excluded from access. Data protection regulations do not prevent the person claiming information regarding access to their medical history from being communicated.
CNS 9/2022
Persons participating or having participated in a staff selection process, as well as workers' representatives, shall have the right to access certain personal information contained in the resulting file, in the terms indicated in the opinion, and may exercise their right of access as long as the health consortium has this public information available. It may be a good practice to inform aspiring recipients of your data as a result of their participation in a selection process.
Total number of pages: 366