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3,654 results were found
Installing cameras in the control of access to centres managed by a public company
CNS 31/2022
It can be concluded from the information provided that the company would not be legitimate to install the intended surveillance system as it would involve capturing images of the public road. In the event that the collection of images within the facilities managed is limited, in order to evaluate the suitability to the right of processing, this Authority should have a Memory, in the terms of Article 10 of the 1/2009 Instruction, which describes in detail the characteristics of the processing that is intended to be carried out, the necessary weighting is carried out in order to be able to apply the legal authorisation based on the legitimate interest (Art. 6.1.f) GDPR) and which allows the proportionality of the data being processed and the scope of the processing intended to be carried out, in addition to the other extremes required by Article 10 of the 1/2009 Instruction.
Content of the electronic signature.
IP 107/2021
Broadcast by an opposition councillor, a document containing the position and electronic signature displaying the name and surnames and the ID number of a public employee.
It disregards the right to erase police data.
PT 95/2022
Se declara extemporánea la resolución de la Dirección General de la Policía que estima la solicitud de supresión de los datos personales contenidos al fichero SIP PF de la persona reclamante, sin entrar en otras consideraciones respeto el fondo, puesto que la DGP ha resuelto suprimir sus datos.
the HCCC user profile.
IP 62/2021
The complaint against a healthcare Foundation is filed, in which the complainant considered that his shared clinical history in Catalonia (HCCC) had been abused, since it was found that the doctor who accessed it did so to assist the complainant in a medical test, and that the information recorded about the access centre actually corresponded to the information about the centre where the doctor regularly provided his services, which was in his user profile.
Disregard of the right of access.
PT 82/2022
La persona reclamante se quejaba por la desatención de una solicitud de ejercicio del derecho de acceso que presentó ante el Ayuntamiento, sin que este último le diera ninguna respuesta. Al respeto, se declara que el Ayuntamiento ha atendido de forma extemporánea la solicitud de acceso de la persona reclamante, sin entrar en otras consideraciones respecto al fondo, puesto que, en el marco del presente procedimiento de tutela de derechos, el Ayuntamiento ha librado la documentación a la persona reclamante.
Waste collection system door to door.
PS 44/2022
The impact assessment relating to data protection linked to the implementation of the waste collection service door to door must be carried out before the start of the processing and must assess the risks that the processing entails for the rights and freedoms of the persons concerned.
The collection of diapers in the waste collection system leads to doors.
PS 33/2022
Asking why you are asking to use the diaper collection service is excessive. If the legal basis is consent, when providing the information to the data subject, information must be informed about the right to withdraw it at any time.
Sending email without using the hidden copy option.
PS 39/2022
It is decided to fine the company that has been complained of, which is responsible for providing the public service of the tourist office in Alella, by means of a fine fine of 1.5001,500, since an e-mail was sent from that same office, without using hidden copying, to people who had booked a visit to a winery. This fact meant that the recipients of the message could see the email address of the other recipients and that they knew that the recipients had also reserved a visit to the cellar, in contravention of the principle of confidentiality of data.
Access to the recording of a call to a city hall.
PT 35/2022
It is considered unlikely that the City Council does not have the requested recording, although the right of access to the recording is recognised, unless the City Council does not have a copy and is not within its reach.
Denyment of access to information on the annual gross pay of certain officials of the City Council
IAI 39/2022
Data protection regulations do not prevent the claimant from having access to the payable persons, the pay tables and the pay associated with each job, in terms of productivity supplements, in this case, data protection regulations do not prevent individual access, in accordance with the civil service rules, which expressly stipulate that the amount received by each official must be made public knowledge for the other officials of the corporation. With regard to overtime payments, this can be facilitated in a pseudonymised way, by listing them separately, replacing the names and surnames of working people with a code that does not allow them to be identified.
Total number of pages: 366