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3,654 results were found
File resolution. No evidence has been provided that data of the person reporting between different councils has been communicated.
IP 294/2022
The complainant complained that the City Council would have shared their personal data, in particular the content of the various SAIPs that it had formulated, with other municipalities, which would have received similar requests. The archiving is resolved as long as no evidence element is available that allows to accredit the communication of reported data.
Councilors' access to information on ongoing judicial proceedings
CNS 6/2023
Local government regulations and extensive jurisprudence regulate and specify the right of councilors to obtain all background information, data or information held by the services of the local corporation and necessary for the exercise of their functions. In the event that the requested information contains personal data, as in the case raised in the consultation, the councilor's access could be justified for the exercise of the general functions attributed to the full body of the corporation related to the control and supervision of the bodies. of government, in cases in which the judicial processes are related to issues related to the professional field and linked to the functions in the municipal government of those accused or investigated and not linked to issues of the private or personal sphere of these. Access could also be justified, in cases in which the councilor has functions directly related to the control of the representation and defense of the corporation, with the legal defense of the case, or in another matter directly related to the judicial procedures in progress. . All this, without prejudice to the result of the weighing of the rights at stake, and taking into account the circumstances of each specific case, it will be considered that the right to data protection of the affected persons must be preserved.
Wrong processing of a request from one person incorporated into another's file.
PS 4/2023
A person (A) submitted to a municipal company a request to renew their registration in the Register of Housing Applicants with Official Protection of Catalonia. The company incorrectly incorporated this request into the Register file that corresponded to another person (B), which led to error in the Housing Agency of Catalonia, which erroneously renewed the registration in B and modified its telephone number and its email address. The municipal company is sanctioned with a fine, due to violation of the principle of accuracy.
Disrespect of the right to delete police data records.
PT 1/2023
The claim is partially estimated, given that the Directorate General of the Police of the Department of Interior did not respond in time to the request of the claimant, and as regards the substance of the claim, it is declared that the resolution of the PGD, estimatory of the request for deletion, is in accordance with law.
Lack of a contract for the processing.
PS 93/2022
It is resolved to admonish the City Council of Bolvir, for having provided the entity to which it delegated the competence of management of municipal taxes, taxpayers' data and not having signed with said entity the corresponding contract of data processor or equivalent document.
Access to the shared clinical history and conservation of clinical history.
IP 222/2021
The archiving of the facts related to alleged improper access to the HC3 of the complainant is resolved, since they were justified accesses. Likewise, it is also resolved to archive the facts related to the lack of conservation of the clinical history since the EBA Centelles has provided sufficient elements that allow to verify that the information is preserved. Regarding the complaints of the complainant related, on the one hand, to the fact that the reported entity would have proceeded to modify its patient file by assigning a new doctor of the head the complainant, and on the other hand, to the fact that a doctor would have introduced false medical notes, the facts are filed because no violation of the principle of accuracy is observed.
Deenegation of access to reports issued by a primary care center concerning geriatric residencies
IAI 28/2023
Data protection regulations do not prevent access to purely identifying data from professionals who have drafted the reports, or appear in the documentation requested for the performance of their duties. However, in accordance with the fundamentals that have been laid down, with regard to information relating to categories of data that are especially protected, in particular data relating to the health of residents, access must be provided through an extract or summary of the reports issued by the primary care centre, so that the physical persons concerned are not identifiable.
Resolution of archiving prior information for unaccredited events.
IP 28/2023
Archived from the actions as it has not been accredited that the entity has opened an envelope with health data that was aimed at the complainant.
Sending emails with tax data to a wrong address.
PS 92/2022
Resolution is issued due to violation of the principle of confidentiality because a Consocio's collector, within the framework of a delegation of competences in matters of management and collection of taxes of the Bolvir City Council, sent emails to a wrong email address, linked to a particular, that contained personal data of taxpayers of the municipality of Bolvir.
Exercise of the right of deletion.
PT 120/2022
The claim should be dismissed, given that the claimed entity acted in accordance with law, dismissing the request for deletion formulated by the person here claiming, gave it a specific response and adjusted to that provided by the health legislation, taking into account the legal terms of conservation, and the importance of preserving its relevant health data to guarantee the person claiming adequate health care from any health center.
Total number of pages: 366