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3,654 results were found
The complaint procedure is filed because sending correspondence to the complainant's home, addressed to Mrs (...), did not violate the data protection rules.
IP 402/2021
The complainant received correspondence from Mrs. (...) at her home, since the Central Register of Insurance, which is dependent on the Catalan Health Service, recorded this address for the effects of notifications.
Report in relation to the Draft Decree for the deployment of the sanctioning procedure in the field of equal treatment and non-discrimination and accessory sanctions
PD 8/2022
Refusal of information on the representation expenses of the various municipal offices
IAI 27/2022
From the point of view of data protection regulations, there should be no impediment to providing the person making the claim with information on the supporting documents for representation expenses (tickets, specific supporting documents) made by the person holding the mayor's office or of the various councils and other municipal positions, omitting the information that allows to analyze or establish certain aspects related to your health, to your personal preferences or to establish non-pertinent guidelines for behavior to achieve the intended purpose. Nor would the data protection regulations prevent access to the data of third-party natural persons that may appear in invoices or other supporting documentation, nor to the name and surname and, where appropriate, the position, of the third-party persons with whom 'has made the expenditure.
Denial of access to documentation provided by participants in a job provision process
IAI 26/2022
The access and obtaining of a copy, by the Personnel Board, of the documentation certifying the merits alleged by the people participating in a provision process does not comply with the data protection regulations, due to the which should limit the query to the identity of the people who have obtained a job and the scores obtained in the different merits assessed.
Mass emailing without using the hidden copy, some of the workers' addresses are private.
PS 29/2022
The principle of confidentiality is imputed. The Mayor of the City Council of Parets del Vallès sent a masive mail to all workers and companies linked, without making use of hidden copying and, consequently, by disseminating the emails of the recipients, including some private ones.
Personal mobile phone usage for sending SMS and Whatsapp by the Department at work.
IP 445/2021
File resolution dictated. The whistleblower complained that the department in which he worked sent him an SMS and a Whatsapp without him having authorized this treatment. RA is dictated on the basis of the consent and application of the treatment. The worker submitted two applications for compatibility with private activity on which the mobile phone was provided. After the period of suspension of his contract for very serious infringement, he asked for reinsertion in active service. In this context, he was sent an SMS notice notice of the resolution of the reinking request. And then, seeing that he had not rejoined the job, he was sent a whatsapp.
Recordings done by police forces, using mobile cameras.
IP 286/2021
The recording of images by police forces, without prior administrative authorisation, by mobile devices, is covered by the rules governing the collection of images on the public road. This rule states that such authorisation is not necessary in cases of the utmost urgency and if the circumstances in the case prevent the aforementioned authorisation from being obtained in time, a situation that occurred in the case under consideration.
Disabling the right of access to the clinical history of his underage son.
PT 44/2022
The claim of the claimant is estimated, since according to Article 15 of the RGPD he would have the right to access, in any case, information that might contain his or her child's clinical history or medical reports, without prejudice to any limitations provided for in Article 23 of the RGPD. The ICS must respond to the right of access to the requested personal data and provide a copy of the information requested of the claimant.
Disagreement of right of access to academic files of minor child.
PT 43/2022
The request for the right of access to the data of the child of the claimant is dismissed, since the right of access does not understand the right to access information or documentation that does not exist at the moment the request for access is formalised.
Publication of excessive data on elected representatives in transparency portal
PS 22/2022
Minimization is imputed because excessive data has been published in the city council's transparency portal. In particular, he published:- Statements of elected office assets including personal address, bank account numbers, etc.- Class sheets of elected office also with unnecessary data such as phones and personal emails, private addresses, CV with personal data and without prior anonymisation, and links to personal social network accounts.
Total number of pages: 366