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3,654 results were found
Detention of access to the Labour Establishment Protocol of a file
IAI 15/2023
Data protection regulations do not prevent the claimant from accessing and copying the Labour Establishment Protocol. With regard to the access of the claimant to the claimed file, access could be given to his or her own personal data and, in principle, to the identity of witnesses who have spoken by providing information on the claimant to be recorded in the documentation, unless specific circumstances justifying the limitation are met with regard to these third parties, in the terms set out in legal basis IV. In addition, data protection legislation does not prevent employees or public officials in charge of processing and resolving the case from having access to the identity, since these are actions carried out in the performance of their duties. Finally, it should be borne in mind that information containing special categories of data on third parties should be omitted, as should other information on third parties that may be included in the file and that does not have a direct relationship with the complainant and the harassment complaint that he submitted.
Detention of access to certain dossiers of patrimonial responsibility
IAI 13/2023
Taking into consideration the terms in which the complaint is made and the relevant elements, the data protection regulations prevent access by the claimant to the full content of the dossiers of patrimonial responsibility processed by the City Council between 2007 and 2022 that affect a particular person, and to the information relating to the judicial proceedings that may have arisen. However, information could be provided on the number of liability files referred to in the consultation, the meaning of the resolution and, if applicable, compensation, as well as whether legal proceedings have been taken.
Deenegation of access to the inventory of licenses of major works transferred to the District Archive and to the City Hall Historical Archive
IAI 12/2023
The data protection regulations do not prevent the person claiming the inventory of licenses for major works that have been transferred to the District Archive and the Historical Archive of the Autonomous Community, along with the metadata of street name and number, petitioner, type and year of the work and architect, without prejudice to omitting those personal data of the holders of the works licenses that are not necessary to achieve the intended purpose as the DNI data of these people would be.
Treatment of electoral and union membership data
CNS 43/2022
The lack of a sufficient legal basis to enable the processing of workers' personal data in an electoral procedure by electronic voting prevents a response to the questions raised, since it would be necessary to keep to the specific provisions of legal empowerment and possible regulatory deployment, in order to assess the specific aspects relating to compliance with data protection regulations.
Communication of writings to top hierarchical and test in disciplinary procedure.
IP 304/2021
The complaint is archived, referring to the communication by an MMEE inspector to his superior of an instance and an e-mail presented to the City Council, as well as his incorporation into a disciplinary file, since that communication is framed in the functions of monitoring the inspector's police activity, which include making known his superior any statutory infringements detected in his area of competence.
- Police
- Administrative procedure
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Lawfulness principle
- In the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
- Legal obligation
Communication of writings to top hierarchical and test in disciplinary procedure.
IP 53/2023
The complaint is archived, referring to the communication by an MMEE inspector to his superior of an instance and an e-mail presented to the City Council, as well as his incorporation into a disciplinary file, since that communication is framed in the functions of monitoring the inspector's police activity, which include making known his superior any statutory infringements detected in his area of competence.
- Police
- Administrative procedure
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Lawfulness principle
- In the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
- Legal obligation
Undue access for nursing staff.
PS 88/2022
It resolves to admonish the ICS as being responsible for the infringement of the principle of confidentiality, since nursing staff would have accessed different clinical histories in an unjustified manner, and it resolves to archive the facts relating to certain accesses that are considered justified. It is also proposed that the entity take disciplinary action against the person responsible for improper access.
Missing communication of DPD designation in the APDCAT.
PS 79/2022
The entity has not notified the Catalan Data Protection Authority of the designation of a data protection officer who, according to Article 37.1 of the GDPR, is a mandatory designation by the entity.
Disregard of the right of access.
PT 118/2022
The right of access that the claimant formulated to the City Council of Sant Quirze del Vallès is estimated in relation to the purpose of processing the data provided to a municipal school. The City Council alleged that the petition had not been presented in the proper way and that it referred to data from a collective.
Resolution archiving of a complaint for improper access to HC3 of the complainant by personnel of the mutual EGARSAT.
IP 472/2022
Undue access to the HC3 of the complainant is not credited. The filing of the complaint is resolved because the complainant has accredited that the data referring to the complainant's HC3 was extracted from an opinion submitted to them by the INS.
Total number of pages: 366