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9 results were found for your search terms Law-enforcement purposes
Delivery of police information in a notary to locate a determinate person
CNS 43/2019
In accordance with the article 461-12 of the CCC, a legal duty falls on the notaries so that, at the request of any person concerned in the successional process, it requires personally the one called so that it accepts or rejects the inheritance. The utilization on the part of the Notaries of the data that the General Direction of Police has evidence about, to make that requirement can adapt to the regulations of data protection. However, from the point of view of data protection, it would agree that the consulting on the police files other data bases of public titularity that have a purpose were made once other possibilities of consulting exhausted that object of the consulting is adapted more with the treatment, as the database of the INE could be.
Access of a police body to images of videovigilància picked up by the local police of a Town Council
CNS 28/2018
The communication of the images of which he orders the Local Police of the Town Council towards another police body when, in spite of not bringing a writ, he requests them in exercise of its functions of Judicial Policeman it constitutes a cession fitted out so much by the article 11.2.d) of the LOPD as for the LOPJ. This communication, in exercise of its competences on the subject of law and order, would also remain fitted out by the LOV as well as by the article 21 of the LOPD. In any case, the request has to fit to the principles of limitation of the purpose and minimization of data, requirement that is given, by the information of which it is ordered, in the examined case.
- Public safety
- Law enforcement authorities
- Judges and courts
- Image
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Purpose limitation principle
- Law-enforcement purposes
- Quality principle
- Accuracy
- Proportionality
Access of a town councilor to determinate municipal sanctionative reports on the subject of traffic
CNS 30/2014
The access of a town councilor to the information contained relatives in the annexes of a decree of Alcaldia to concrete sanctionative reports about administrative offenses can agree protected by the law of the town councilors on consulting, for the exercise of its functions, the documentation of which he orders the Town Council, independently of its condition or not of member of the team of government. Given the plurality of reports affected by the consultation and the character especially protege of the information that restrains itself there, the access has to be given without including data that allow to identify the persons affected, when the purpose of the access can be attained without including this type of data. The access to the data of personal character has to undergo at the beginning of purpose, according to which the data can only be used for the fulfillment of the determinate, explicit and legitimate purpose that has generated the access to the data, in this case, the necessary development of the functions that correspond to the town councilors that they make the request of information and that is governed by the duty of secret, in the terms of the article 10 of the LOPD, and the rest of applicable regulations.
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Councillors
- Sensitive data
- Administrative criminal offences
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Duty of secrecy
- Purpose limitation principle
- Law-enforcement purposes
- Right of access to information
- Councillors
Installation of a system of videovigilància and evidential value of the images
CNS 25/2014
The installation of a new system of videovigilància in dependences or facilities of the Town Council with purpose of guaranteeing the security does not need of the approval of a new file if the Town Council already has the file "Videovigilància" that includes this purpose. It will be necessary but that the Town Council approves a new memory that includes the cameras so much already existing as those which now is wanted to be implanted. If takes place a robbery that has remained recorded for the cameras of videovigilància, the Town Council would find legitimated for putting in knowledge of the police the facts and the recorded images.
Communication of data of the Register of Population of Catalonia to other administrations
CNS 38/2012
Law 23/1998, of 30 December, d’Estadística of Catalonia authorizes the cession, without consent, of the address datum of the Register of Population of Catalonia to another public administration to l’exercici of the competences legally attributed and for matters in what the address is relevant, as well as to the local police d’un town when its knowledge is necessary for l’exercici of the functions of administrative police attributed by law. Its cession, without consent, to the local police with police purposes is left fitted out by l’article 22.2 of the LOPD, whenever s’efectuï in an individualized way and s’acrediti that is necessary for the prevention d’un real danger for the penal public safety or repression d’infraccions.
Access on the part of several municipal services to the Municipal Census of Inhabitants
CNS 35/2011
The access to the particulars of the Municipal Census of Inhabitants on the part of the different administrative units or administrative organs of a same town council, once the Local Police have been included, does not constitute purely a cession of data, since they are part of the same juridical person. This access however, it will only be possible if the purpose by which it is requested is compatible with the main purpose of the Census, as now, when it is necessary for the exercise of the competences that the legislation of local regime attributes in the town councils and exclusively for matters in which the datum residence or address is relevant.
- Municipal Population Register
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Law enforcement authorities
- Judges and courts
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Purpose limitation principle
- Law-enforcement purposes
- Quality principle
- Proportionality
Communication of data between the police and the educational centers for the detection of pupils in situation of risk
CNS 27/2011
The educational centers are legitimated to be able to treat the particulars of its pupils that are necessary for the exercise of the functions educational and guiding that they have attributed, without the need for having its consent or that of its legal representative. Likewise, among other analyzed suppositions, determinate data can communicate to the police of proximity, without consent, to contrast the information that one has about a determinate pupil, in so far as this cession founds in the protection of the interest of the minor and is set in the educational function that the center has attributed for the HIM 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.
- Education
- Education centre
- Law enforcement authorities
- Child data
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Education centre
- Duty of secrecy
- Purpose limitation principle
- Law-enforcement purposes
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- Quality principle
- Proportionality
Cession of particulars at the forces and the security corps
CNS 2/2006
The authorities and the public civil servants have to collaborate with the forces and security corps and loan them l’auxili that is possible and suitable for the protection of the law and order. In the supposition that s’excepciona considers the requirement of the consent of the interested person however, in basis at the beginning of quality, the particulars that are an object of communication have to be exclusively those that are suitable, pertinent and non excessive d‘acord with the legitimate, explicit and determinate purposes in which s’han of being destined.
Cession in a police body of particulars due to a research
CNS 7/2006
S’excepciona the consent of l’afectat in the cession of data for the prevention d’un real danger for the penal public safety or repression d’infraccions, whenever the object data of communication are exclusively the suitable, pertinent and non excessive d’acord with the legitimate, explicit and determinate purposes in which s’han of being destined. They can retire and treat the data exclusively for the purposes d’una concrete research.
- Law enforcement authorities
- Sensitive data
- Sensitive data
- Administrative criminal offences
- Public administration
- Purpose limitation principle
- Law-enforcement purposes
- Quality principle
- Data files
- Publicly owned files
- Police files