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5 results were found for your search terms Police files
Catchment of images for the cameras installed in the deposit of persons under arrest, in the room of search and in the vehicles of the local police
CNS 34/2015
It is applicable for the system of videovigilància installed in the deposit of persons under arrest and to the room of search of the local police of the Town Council, as well as in the inside of the vehicles of the local police, the regulations of protection of particulars (LOPD and RLOPD, and Instruction 1/2009). To the data processing derived from systems of videovigilància in the exterior of the police vehicles, the regime established in the LOVFCS, and its regulations of development is applicable. The data processing made in the inside of the police vehicles could remain integrated into an existing file or create a new one. It is not necessary to create any file in relation to the videovigilància in the exterior of the police vehicles. It is necessary to give fulfillment to the duty of information (art. 5 LOPD and 12 Instruction), in the terms pointed out in the Judgement.
Cession of data among public administrations in the process of modernization of the systems of information of the police bodies
CNS 34/2013
The data processing that can be produced with regard to the subscribed Agreement has to remain collected in the file of the Town Council (article 20.2 of the LOPD). It is recommended to make an analysis of whole of the files already existing from the Town Council, related with the performance of the local police, and of the object file of consultation, to the effects of avoiding, if it is proper, duplicities of treatments. Regarding the section related to the purpose and uses of the file, it is necessary to take the regime that the article 22 of the LOPD foresees for the police files, depending on its administrative or police purposes, into account. In case determinate informative flows, among others, are foreseen with the RESCUE network or the Center of Attention and Management of Calls of Urgency 112, this section of the file should collect it suitably.
- Public safety
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Law enforcement authorities
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Data files
- Publicly owned files
- Publicly owned files
- Police files
Need to include a warning related to the recording of telephone calls on the part of the local police
CNS 17/2008
The file of calls carried out recording to the local police of a town, is subjected to the LOPD. Regarding the exclusion from the fulfillment of the duty of informing (article 5 LOPD), it can only be produced by the concurrence of an affectation for the National Defense, the public safety or the persecution of penal, but non administrative offenses (art. 24.1 LOPD), taking the STC 292 /2000 into account. In relation to the calls made to the local police, is only been able excepcionar the duty of informing when the purpose is the exercise of functions of the local police directly and precisely linked to the public safety or the persecution of penal offenses. In any other case, for the rest of made calls, it is necessary to the duty to give fulfillment of informing in the terms established by the LOPD.
Cession of particulars at the forces and the security corps
CNS 2/2006
The authorities and the public civil servants have to collaborate with the forces and security corps and loan them l’auxili that is possible and suitable for the protection of the law and order. In the supposition that s’excepciona considers the requirement of the consent of the interested person however, in basis at the beginning of quality, the particulars that are an object of communication have to be exclusively those that are suitable, pertinent and non excessive d‘acord with the legitimate, explicit and determinate purposes in which s’han of being destined.
Cession in a police body of particulars due to a research
CNS 7/2006
S’excepciona the consent of l’afectat in the cession of data for the prevention d’un real danger for the penal public safety or repression d’infraccions, whenever the object data of communication are exclusively the suitable, pertinent and non excessive d’acord with the legitimate, explicit and determinate purposes in which s’han of being destined. They can retire and treat the data exclusively for the purposes d’una concrete research.
- Law enforcement authorities
- Sensitive data
- Sensitive data
- Administrative criminal offences
- Public administration
- Purpose limitation principle
- Law-enforcement purposes
- Quality principle
- Data files
- Publicly owned files
- Police files