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869 results were found
Legal basis for the publication of the academic qualifications of the group of university students
CNS 23/2023
Taking into account the applicable regulations, it can be considered that there is a sufficient legal basis for the publication and dissemination of the academic qualifications of the group of university students (eg art. 6.1, sections e) and f) RGPD), without prejudice to the necessary compliance with the rest of the principles and guarantees of the data protection regulations. Given the principle of minimization, only the data necessary to comply with the intended purpose should be disseminated, taking into account the parameters and guidelines derived from the seventh additional provision of the LOPDGDD.
Using biometric data for controlling presence in the workplace
CNS 19/2023
Consent may be a legal basis for the processing of biometric data for the purpose of time control, provided that it constitutes a manifestation of free, specific, informed and unambiguous will on the part of the data subject to accept the processing, in the terms stated. In any case, before processing such as that provided for in the consultation, an impact assessment on data protection must be carried out in view of the specific circumstances in which the processing is carried out where, among other things, the application of the processing is analysed.
Test access for a selective process
CNS 20/2023
Data protection regulations would not prevent access to the statements of the practical and theoretical exams, along with the correction criteria, proposed in the selective process referred to in the petition, but as regards obtaining a copy of the exams in question, their submission in the specific case examined would only be possible after anonymisation of this information.
Access to the disciplinary proceedings initiated by the City Council in 2022
CNS 21/2023
On the basis of the information that the city council has provided for consultation, data protection regulations would not prevent access to the number of disciplinary files initiated in 2022. However, in the event that the applicant is interested in accessing other information that exceeds the number of disciplinary proceedings initiated, the City Council must analyse the possibility of access according to the categories of personal data concerned, taking into consideration the grounds that have been set out.
Installing cameras for statistical purposes
CNS 17/2023
El responsable del tratamiento tendría que revisar el AIPD efectuada para garantizar que esta recoge tanto la información prevista en el artículo 10 de la Instrucción 1/2009, de 10 de febrero, sobre el tratamiento de datos de carácter personal mediante cámaras con fines de videovigilancia, así como el resto de requisitos establecidos por el artículo 35.7 del RGPD. La consulta previa a esta Autoridad únicamente es preceptiva cuando la AIPD muestre que el tratamiento comporta un alto riesgo si el responsable del tratamiento no toma medidas para mitigarlo.
Grabación de pruebas psicotécnicas en procesos de selección de personal
CNS 14/2023
El tratamiento de los datos necesarios para la realización de las pruebas de los procesos de selección de personal, incluidas los datos de salud de los participantes, tiene como base jurídica el cumplimiento de una misión en interés público y el cumplimiento de obligaciones específicas de las administraciones competentes establecidas por la normativa de función pública. La grabación de las pruebas psicotécnicas requiere, además de su previsión en las correspondientes bases de las convocatorias (con la concreción y determinación de las garantías específicas necesarias), la realización previa de una AIPD. No parece que la base jurídica del consentimiento sea adecuado para legitimar el tratamiento de los datos de los aspirantes a un proceso selectivo con la finalidad descrita, dado que no se puede considerar que en el caso planteado pudiera haber un consentimiento realmente libre, ni la posibilidad de establecer medios alternativos que garantizaran el principio de igualdad que tiene que regir los procedimientos selectivos.
Emailing alumni to learners about a training program
CNS 13/2023
The Foundation could send an e-mail reporting on the training it will give this summer to its pupils on the legal basis of legitimate interest, provided that the information is limited to the training programme examined and is addressed exclusively to the pupils of up to 35 years of vocational training cycles, who should be given the option of opposing receiving communications of this kind.
Councilors' access to information on ongoing judicial proceedings
CNS 6/2023
Local government regulations and extensive jurisprudence regulate and specify the right of councilors to obtain all background information, data or information held by the services of the local corporation and necessary for the exercise of their functions. In the event that the requested information contains personal data, as in the case raised in the consultation, the councilor's access could be justified for the exercise of the general functions attributed to the full body of the corporation related to the control and supervision of the bodies. of government, in cases in which the judicial processes are related to issues related to the professional field and linked to the functions in the municipal government of those accused or investigated and not linked to issues of the private or personal sphere of these. Access could also be justified, in cases in which the councilor has functions directly related to the control of the representation and defense of the corporation, with the legal defense of the case, or in another matter directly related to the judicial procedures in progress. . All this, without prejudice to the result of the weighing of the rights at stake, and taking into account the circumstances of each specific case, it will be considered that the right to data protection of the affected persons must be preserved.
Access to personal data of officials of the Parliament of Catalonia
CNS 11/2023
With the information available, it can be concluded that the jobs of A17 officials who are not LITERate (heads of department) can be considered to be places of special trust, of special responsibility within the organisation or of high pay. Access to individualised information on the pay of public workers must, in principle, be limited to senior managers and staff as well as to staff who hold positions of special trust, of special responsibility within the organisation or high level in the hierarchy of the entity, of free designation, or who carry a high level of pay. With regard to other public workers, the public interest in controlling public activity with regard to the destination of resources could also be satisfied without sacrificing the privacy of the persons concerned in such a way that information must be provided aggregated by groups and levels of intervals. As regards the three-year period of these workers, it would be in line with data protection regulations to provide information grouped by categories or by groups and levels of intervals. It is generally not considered appropriate to data protection regulations to provide information relating to the description, chronologically speaking, of the administrative situation of an entire group of officials throughout their administrative career, whether they are management staff or special responsibility or whether it affects other groups of officials.
Access to the personal data of a university's payroll record
CNS 9/2023
Access by the bodies representing public workers to the remuneration information of these people on a case-by-case basis will be conditional upon the applicable legislative provisions and concurrent circumstances in the specific case. University workers' committee members on the negotiating Commission for the Equality Plan must be able to access the information in the Retributive Register, which must comply with the terms of Article 28.2 of the ET, despite having professional categories with a small number of workers, while remaining those obliged to respect the confidentiality of the information obtained, as well as the principle of purpose.
Total number of pages: 87