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3,654 results were found
Access to university teaching evaluation reports
CNS 16/2022
The opinions of the students about the teaching staff, collected in the free text field of the evaluation surveys of the teaching performance of the teaching staff, have the consideration of personal data of the assessed teaching staff. Access to the individual evaluation reports of the teaching staff by the rest of the teaching staff who teach the same subject in other degrees of the same university must be considered excessive treatment in relation to the purposes of evaluation and improvement of the teaching performance. The communication could be made with prior anonymization.
Accession rights with extension of the initial application.
PT 34/2022
The claimant requested access to data as an ICS worker. ICS responds after the deadline, but the claimant is considered satisfied as stated in writing to the Authority. The resolution is issued that declares the ICS response extemporaneous.
Patient data access using 4 URLS only entering the DNI, lacks security measures.
PS 20/2022
Resolution is issued, directly as they have not filed any allegations against the IIA. Security measures are imputed, an authentication mechanism due to access to patient data through several hospital URLs only by introducing the DNI without any other access control measures. They claimed that they had erroneously published a 'test environment' and that they have already unpublished these URLs.
Request for information on the traceability of clinical history.
PT 9/2022
The claimant asked the ICS for access to their clinical history and traceability. The ICS responded once the one-month period foreseen for art had elapsed. The Authority's resolution states that the ICS responded extemporarily to the request for access, and regarding the information not delivered concerning traceability, the claim is partially estimated, regarding only information concerning data communications from clinical history (including any data communications to the clinical history shared in Catalonia), since the ICS' response was not clear enough to understand that he had been informed about this end. And the claim is dismissed as regards the other information included in the concept of 'traceability', as it is information that exceeds the material aspect of the right of access to data protection.
Delete medical personal data.
PT 18/2022
Since the Pere Mata Institute has reported that the personal data of the person here claiming, subject to their opposition requests, have been suppressed and therefore not subject to treatment, in this case, there is no presupposedness necessary to make this right effective, which is that the person responsible is processing data of the person who is opposed to this treatment. In these terms, it is appropriate to reject the present claim of guardianship of the law, given that the Institute Pere Mata attended to the requests from which this procedure derives, when he informed the current claimant of the deletion of his personal data dated 10/12/2021.
Publication of the grades of eligible and unsuitable applicants in a selective process, with the last four DNI figures and letter, over time.
PS 17/2022
The City Council of Tordera is admonished as publishing the final qualifications obtained for applicants suspended in a selection process constitutes a violation of the principle of application. Furthermore, the dissemination to the municipal website of the list of applicants excluded from the selection process for a time beyond what is strictly necessary constitutes a violation of the principle of limiting the term of conservation. And, ultimately, the dissemination of the names and surnames of the applicants and the last four figures of their DNI and the letter is a violation of the principle of data minimization, since the LOPDGDD does not foresee that, in the publication of administrative acts, the letter of the DNI should be added.
Denial of access to information on the monetary perceptions of the political groups of the County Council
IAI 23/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent the claimant from accessing information on the breakdown of the amounts allocated to each group and on the different expenditure concepts made by the groups during the requested period, for the purposes of controlling the destination of the funds they receive. It also does not prevent access to the supporting invoices for expenses that contain personal data of the councilors, as well as third-party natural persons with whom they have contracted, although it would be necessary to remove from the supporting documents the information that allows to analyze or establish certain relative aspects to the personal life of the person making the expenditure, their personal preferences or establishing certain guidelines of conduct, as well as certain data (such as private addresses or ID number), which are not relevant to achieve the purpose of transparency.
Communication of anonymized information from the Municipal Register for the development of a predictive tool in the field of social services
CNS 15/2022
The communication of anonymized information from the Municipal Register to a public company for the development of a predictive tool in the field of social services would not require a legal basis to legitimize it, as the legislation does not apply in these cases of data protection. However, it is necessary to ensure that the anonymization process applied guarantees that the physical persons affected cannot be identified by third parties without disproportionate efforts, as well as to assess the risks of any subsequent re-identification of these persons and, where appropriate, adopt the appropriate measures to mitigate it.
Use of data from the complainant in the emergency assistance report of a third person and submission of the report.
PS 21/2022
A resolution is issued directly without a motion for a resolution as no allegations were made to the initiation agreement. Existence and confidentiality are impeded. Chief Miami Platja mislinked an urgent attendance report to the whistleblower's data and this led to the HC3 report being uploaded. At the same time, he led to this report being handed over to a third person.
Citation to Court for the move to second activity Agent Urban Guard, sending emails to management staff.
IP 307/2021
File resolution dictated. The whistleblower, an agent of the city guard, complained that his 'rights of communication and medical data' had been violated as the city council sent emails regarding a citation to a medical court to move to the second-class situation to a number of recipients who were unaware of it. There is no violation since all the recipients were part of a unit of the council that had the power to carry out the demarches relating to the processing of the second activity situation.
Total number of pages: 366