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3,654 results were found
Denial of access to the staff registration register of a City Council
IAI 33/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent the person making the claim from accessing the City Council's staff registration register, as long as the information is provided in a pseudonymised manner.
Publication of personal data in staff selection processes
CNS 25/2022
The publication of personal data in the recruitment process, regardless of the recruitment regime, must take into account data protection regulations. When Decree 28/1986 is applicable, it must publish the list of people admitted and excluded from the selection process, as well as the list of people approved in each test by scoring order and the final list of people approved by scoring order. With regard to the identification of the persons concerned, when the purpose of the publication is to provide general publicity and also when the notification is added to the persons concerned, the identification of the persons concerned must be done by name and surname by adding four random numeric figures from their national identity or equivalent document, according to the orientation to which reference has been made. However, in the case of excluded persons, it is sufficient to publish their identification number, without the name and surnames. In the case of people who are victims of gender violence, a non-decipherable code must be applied by third parties, to protect their identity.
Delete clinical history data.
PT 40/2022
The complainant complained about the alleged disregard of the rights of suppression he had previously exercised before the Chief of Amer and the Chief of English (both dependent on the Institute of Healthcare). It is stated that the IAS has not responded to requests for data deletion made by the claimant before the Chief of Amer and the Chief of English within the established legal timeframe. And when the fund, the claim to protect the right of suppression made by the claimant in relation to the said requests is rejected, given that the application submitted to the head of Amer had already been met by the IAS, and as regards the request to delete data submitted to the head of English, it could not be carried out, given that not even five years had elapsed since the date of discharge of the first healthcare process.
It is not an infringement since the city council has not been accredited to communicate the data to a third party.
IP 200/2022
The complainant complains that the City Council would have leaked information from him to an individual. He says that a gentleman attached to the City Hall knocked at his door to talk about the project door to door and that he knew nothing about it.
Revelation of information.
IP 226/2021
The person complained about disclosure of information (presentation of an instance) of the City Council at the school where he worked, by means of a telephone call. The disclosure of data is not credited.
Implementation of a register for civil protection actions in emergency situations
CNS 22/2022
The City Council could create a register of the residents of the municipality who, given the concurrence of certain circumstances, would require a quick action by the civil protection forces in emergency situations. The use of data from the Register for this purpose would be compatible, but the incorporation of information relating to people's health would require their explicit consent.
- Municipal Population Register
- Civil protection
- Sensitive data
- Health data
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Impact assessment
- Purpose limitation principle
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- In the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
Ignoring the right of access to personal data.
PT 76/2022
The claimant complained about the neglect of two requests to exercise the right of access that he presented to the AOC, without the latter giving him any response. In this regard, it is declared that the Consorci Administración Oberta de Catalunya has responded extemporaneously to the access requests of the claimant, as it has not proven to have effectively notified the resolutions corresponding to said requests, without enter into other considerations regarding the fund since the AOC resolved to facilitate access. The AOC is required to give effect to the right of access exercised.
Override to notify according to the literality of the precept invoked by the IMH despite having been provided a domicile for notification purposes.
PS 47/2022
PS was introduced for alleged violation of the principle of Licitude. However, having analysed the specific rules, it was concluded that the IMA strictly complied with Article 110.2GT, which provides for the possibility of notifying the resolution at the tax address of the representative of the obligatory tax in the proceedings initiated by law. On the basis of this literality, although it is accredited that the representative provided us with a domicile for the purposes of notifications, it is dictated resolution of oversight.
Deniation of information about the selective processes of the staff of a city council
IAI 29/2022
The right to data protection does not prevent the claimant from accessing and obtaining copies, in the terms stated, of the information relating to the selective processes of the employees of the Rabós City Council with regard to the type of tests to be carried out, the bases of each selective process and the publications in the corresponding official journals that have been the subject of publication in accordance with the current regulations, referring to the candidates who have finally been selected. However, access to the content of the tests carried out by each candidate in the personnel selection procedures, as well as to each candidate's contracts, is not justified.
The express indication of medical diagnosis in applications for dependency and other issues.
IP 45/2021
The complainant complained about several issues relating to the processing of his request for dependency:
Total number of pages: 366