The publication of personal data in the recruitment process, regardless of the recruitment regime, must take into account data protection regulations. When Decree 28/1986 is applicable, it must publish the list of people admitted and excluded from the selection process, as well as the list of people approved in each test by scoring order and the final list of people approved by scoring order. With regard to the identification of the persons concerned, when the purpose of the publication is to provide general publicity and also when the notification is added to the persons concerned, the identification of the persons concerned must be done by name and surname by adding four random numeric figures from their national identity or equivalent document, according to the orientation to which reference has been made. However, in the case of excluded persons, it is sufficient to publish their identification number, without the name and surnames. In the case of people who are victims of gender violence, a non-decipherable code must be applied by third parties, to protect their identity.