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3,654 results were found
PS 89/2022
The Department of the Interior breached the principle of accuracy of personal data, since it erroneously associated a debt pending payment to the ID of the person here denouncing, which led the ATC to take the current account without being the debtor.
Illicit processing of data.
IP 440/2022
It is necessary to apply the principle of presumption of innocence since the professional who attended and responded to the consultation of the complainant acted in the exercise of its functions and only treated the personal data that the same complainant provided him for the purpose of managing his query.
Call her father's phone to report medical appointments.
IP 178/2022
RA is dictated on the reported facts related to the call made by the CSMA in Castelldefels, having tried to locate the patient in the telephone numbers that appeared in his file, coinciding with those that were in the RCA. And, as they were not operational, and in the face of the emergency, they chose to call the number that was included in the section of observations (of their mother) provided by the patient himself.
Access to personal data of officials of the Parliament of Catalonia
CNS 11/2023
With the information available, it can be concluded that the jobs of A17 officials who are not LITERate (heads of department) can be considered to be places of special trust, of special responsibility within the organisation or of high pay. Access to individualised information on the pay of public workers must, in principle, be limited to senior managers and staff as well as to staff who hold positions of special trust, of special responsibility within the organisation or high level in the hierarchy of the entity, of free designation, or who carry a high level of pay. With regard to other public workers, the public interest in controlling public activity with regard to the destination of resources could also be satisfied without sacrificing the privacy of the persons concerned in such a way that information must be provided aggregated by groups and levels of intervals. As regards the three-year period of these workers, it would be in line with data protection regulations to provide information grouped by categories or by groups and levels of intervals. It is generally not considered appropriate to data protection regulations to provide information relating to the description, chronologically speaking, of the administrative situation of an entire group of officials throughout their administrative career, whether they are management staff or special responsibility or whether it affects other groups of officials.
Disrespect of the right to delete data from police records.
PT 33/2023
The claim is partially estimated, since the PGD did not respond in time to the request of the claimant. It is not appropriate to require any action regarding the fund, insofar as the PGD gave a right-to-right response to the request, albeit extemporaneously.
Right of information.
PS 86/2022
The City Council in relation to video surveillance cameras for traffic control purposes installed in the municipality, did not make the right of information fully effective, since it did not make available to those affected all the information that is collected in article 13 of the RGPD.
Access to the personal data of a university's payroll record
CNS 9/2023
Access by the bodies representing public workers to the remuneration information of these people on a case-by-case basis will be conditional upon the applicable legislative provisions and concurrent circumstances in the specific case. University workers' committee members on the negotiating Commission for the Equality Plan must be able to access the information in the Retributive Register, which must comply with the terms of Article 28.2 of the ET, despite having professional categories with a small number of workers, while remaining those obliged to respect the confidentiality of the information obtained, as well as the principle of purpose.
The complainant accessed the administrative file of a third person.
PS 18/2023
A citizen accesses, through his personal folder to the electronic headquarters of the City Council, the documentation of a third person in relation to a file that has nothing to do with his complaint. The violation of the principle of confidentiality is alleged. The infringement of art is also proven. 25 RGPD, of technical measures from the design and by default, although, after a medial competition, it is only charged for the most serious infringement.
Disrespect of the right to delete data from police records.
PT 16/2023
The claim is partially estimated, since the PGD did not respond in time to the request of the claimant. It is not appropriate to require any action regarding the fund, to the extent that the PGD gave a right-to-right response to the request, although extemporaneously
Publication of personal data of the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Medicine at the UAB.
PS 19/2023
It resolves to warn the Autonomous University of Barcelona since it disseminated through the internet the list corresponding to the "Result of the draw for allocation of hospital teaching unit (2022-2023)" that contained personal data of certain students of the degree of medicine. Specifically, their name, surnames and university identification number (hereinafter, NIU). The aforementioned publication allowed third parties to know the hospital center assigned to each student, as well as their NIU, from which you can access other university data of the student (such as academic results). The aforementioned publication violated the principle of minimization of personal data, and constitutes the infringement foreseen in art. 72.1 a) LOPDGDD.
Total number of pages: 366