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The information on which the search is based has been translated by a computer system without human intervention. It may contain errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The translation may also produce mistakes in the searches performed.
3,654 results were found
CNS 8/2008
The representatives of the workers with union representation have the right to accessing the identificatives data of the workers who figure in the resolutions of nomination -in the case of the nominated staff- or in the contracts of employment -in the case of the hired staff-, feature, in this last case, of data that can affect the privacy of the workers. Singularly, for the case of the sanitary staff civil servant, they also have the right to identifying the complement of productivity assigned to each worker. Regarding the rest of work data of the workers, they will only be able to access it when they are necessary for the fulfillment of the union functions. But in this case, and unless the purpose requires it, the access will have to be carried out anonymizing the data previously. In the rest of cases, the communication of data to the representatives of the workers requires the previous consent from the headline.
CNS 9/2008
The telephone numbers of services of additional rating can constitute data of personal character. The town councilors of the Town Council have a right of access to the information, and therefore the faculty of consulting determinate documentation of which he orders the Town Council. The access of the town councilors to the numbers of additional rating could be understood adjusted at the beginning of quality if the purpose that the request is founded in refers to its legitimate function of control and taxation. Given the possibility to generate a profile of determinate persons, it is recommended to appraise options to give sufficient information without identifying the titular person of the telephone.
CNS 10/2008
The diffusion of personal information through the web page of an Administration, in spite of not having concrete addressees, has to be understood like a communication of data in the sense of the article 11 of the LOPD. The valid regulations on the subject of access to the environmental information could legitimate the access to the information related to the enabled technical professionals of the environmental entities of control, unless determinate circumstances coincide. For the typology of the object data of the consultation, it does not seem to require itself the confidentiality of the data, in the context of the Law 27/2006.
CNS 11/2008
Obtaining and cession of particulars of pupils among educational centers under the principles of security and confidentiality. The Organic Law of Education fits out the cession of pupils data among educational centers always and when the cession comes from the center where the pupil had been schooled with anteriority and only in exercise of the function educational and guiding. The introduction of the concepts of the regulations of data protection is advised during the years of education. In this way the assumption of behavior of preventive character rules towards the informative self-determination and the utilization responsible for the technological means and for communication would be facilitated.
CNS 12/2008
Cession of the telephonic data of workers of a Public Administration to the competent entity on the subject of social security for a medical examination. The management of staff entails the necessary cession to the competent entity on the subject of social security of particulars of the workers, but the object cession of consultation, without consent of the worker, can exceed the right to the informative self-determination of the purpose by which the data were collected and people could see in danger. This without harm that, when the own working one has accepted it or in those cases in which the communication sent in the address is not a means suitable for getting itself with the interested person in touch the communication can be justified.
CNS 13/2008
The publication of sessions events on the web that data of personal character do not contain or when the particulars limit themselves to the data of the town councilors and the civil servants who intervene in it due to its charge, does not see limited by the regulations of data protection. However, when the minutes include data of personal character, its publication constitutes a data processing personal and therefore he has to undergo the principles and guarantees of the LOPD. Events of the Executive Council: the sessions are not public and the access to the minutes is only possible for persons legitimated in accordance with the LRJPAC; events of the plenum: the sessions are public but of this it cannot become detached that the minutes of the sessions can be spread on the web. A law that fits it out will be necessary (article 11 LOPD).
CNS 14/2008
Procedure of performance of a territorial Pact and cession in the competent autonomous organization on the subject of employment. The procedure of performance of the Pact has to found not only in the observance of the principles of quality, information, consent, security and confidentiality of the data but also in the fulfillment of duties as the creation of the corresponding files and inscription in the Register of Data Protection of Catalonia. The Pact has to put at the disposal of the persons concerned a simple and free means that makes the persons concerned possible the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (rights I ARCO).
CNS 15/2008
The publication of sessions events on the web that data of personal character do not contain or when the particulars limit themselves to the data of the town councilors and the civil servants who intervene in it due to its charge, does not see limited by the regulations of data protection. However, when the minutes include data of personal character, its publication constitutes a data processing personal and therefore he has to undergo the principles and guarantees of the LOPD. Events of Executive Council: the sessions are not public and the access to the minutes is only possible for persons legitimated in accordance with the LRJPAC; Events of the Plenum: the sessions are public but of this it cannot become detached that the minutes of the sessions can be spread on the web. A law that fits it out will be necessary (art. 11 LOPD). The publication of list of accepted in selective procedure of a public administration in the BOP and DOGC will be possible always and when the call foresees it and limits to the strictly necessary data.
CNS 1/2008
Recruitment of the services of "Google Analytics" on the part of an entity of public law in order to improve the performance of the corporative page, the information and the services loaned to the citizen. The information that is treated can contain data of personal character. The IP address is considered personal datum whenever he makes a determinate physical person identifiable. The principles and duties to the LOPD, especially, the duty of information and the principle of consent are recommended to subject its treatment to.
CNS 2/2008
The procedure of inscription is studied to the Register of Industrial Establishments of Catalonia (REIC). The data processing analyzes personal related to employers individual (art. 2.3 RLOPD) and the named "directories of company" (art. 2.2 RLOPD). Determined data that are included in the REIC have the condition of personal character data, and its rest treatment subjected to the principles and duties to the LOPD and rest of applicable regulations. The access to data of the Business Register on the part of the tramitador organ of the REIC, once the accounting of the purposes of assignor and assign has been attended to, does not require consent specific and differentiated on the part of the headline in the moment of making the declaration. The access to the data for third parties requires the accreditation of a legitimate interest.
Total number of pages: 366