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3,654 results were found
Verification of the principle of application
PS 18/2022
The CC Baix Camp sent an email to the School and another to the AMPA of the Center, identifying the complainant as the person who would have lodged a complaint to the Sindic of Greuges about the prices of the school menu, and attaching the aforementioned complaint as an annex document. In the Resolution, the Commission's indictment of the infringement was maintained only with regard to the communication of data that the CC Baix Camp made to the School, as it had no legal basis for legitimising such communication. Furthermore, the CC Baix Camp is considered to be able to communicate data relating to the complaint submitted by the complainant to the AMPA, under the collective agreement in which the CC Baix Camp entrusts the AMPA with managing the school menu service, and would legitimise the AMPA being able to know the content of the complaints of the service it provides.
Access to personal data.
IP 97/2021
The complaint is shelved because the Pere Media Foundation, as responsible for the treatment of CSSB, was considered to have access to the meetings held by the DS Department and CSSB dealing with the matter concerning the return of the child of the claimant to the residence house managed by the aforementioned Foundation.
Denial of access to information related to overtime worked by local police officers
IAI 34/2022
In accordance with the data protection regulations, the overtime hours worked by the Local Police officers of the City Council to which the query refers, the annual amounts received and the reasons for their completion can only be communicated in an aggregated manner for all members of the workforce, except in the case of the local police chief, in respect of whom the requested information can be provided.
Denial of access to information related to the claimant's file
IAI 32/2022
The person making the claim has the right to access all the information about them contained in the claimed documentation, including the identity of the people who would have provided said information, unless there are specific circumstances that justify the limitation.
Report in relation to the Draft Decree on the sanctioning power in matters of consumption and on the procedure for restitution of amounts unduly received, replacement of the altered situation and recovery of damages
PD 11/2022
Denial of information related to access to files affecting the person making the claim
IAI 30/2022
The data protection regulations do not prevent the person making the claim from communicating the information relating to the traceability of access to their personal information, in particular, knowing the first and last names and the rank of the people who have accessed it. There is also no impediment to accessing information relating to whether a certain person is part of the staff of the professional association and, in the event that they have accessed it, whether they had access permissions to the information relating to the person making the claim.
The right of access to the traceability of clinical history and format of information delivery.
PT 24/2022
The right of the person claiming to obtain, in relation to the traceability of clinical history, information relating to communications made to entities or persons outside the scope of the person responsible for treatment, as well as to obtain information relating to the non-existence of such communications, if applicable. In addition, the right to obtain information via e-mail is also appreciated, as requested. On the other hand, the claims made by the claimant that the PSSJD would not have provided him with all the content of clinical history are dismissed, since on the one hand he has not provided any evidence to obtain rational indications of this fact, and on the other hand, the party has argued sufficiently that he has provided all the information in his possession.
The professional college of nurses and nurses of Barcelona disseminated on its website the identity of the person who submitted allegations to an election scrutinising act for the selection of the posts of vice-chairman and secretary/ary of the Governing Board.
PS 27/2022
The official College of Nurses and Nurses in Barcelona is resolved to sanction since the indicted facts are constitutive of a violation of the principle of Application, given the lack of legal basis for publication, and required to remove the name and surnames of the complainant from the aforementioned document, published on the institutional web
Allegedly undue access to clinical history.
IP 245/2022
Apart from the statements made by the current complainant, there is no other element available to confirm the improper nature of access to the clinical history subject to complaint. On the other hand, as has been advanced, the ISC has argued for a reasoned and sufficient reason that access was carried out by an authorised person in order to update information relating to the vaccination against Covid-19 of its staff, of which the person reporting until recently, and that is why the reference actions were archived.
The sending of an electronic communication directly related to the service contracted to the AOC Consortium constitutes a legal data processing.
IP 159/2021
The sending of an e-mail to the complainant now, relating to the services of the e-certificate, is a compatible data processing with the initial purpose for which the data was collected, which was precisely for the contracting of the aforementioned certificate. So, as the requirements of Article 6.4 GDPR are met, the file of the file comes.
Total number of pages: 366