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5 results were found for your search terms Political parties
Broadcast on social media of a municipal group of the contents of the curriculum of a person holding the office of mayor.
IP 240/2022
The treatment carried out by the denounced municipal group is lawful because the information disseminated on their social networks, pursuant to Article 6.1 f) GDPR - about the satisfaction of legitimate interests, as is freedom of information - had been previously published in the Transparency Portal of the City Council in compliance with Article 57.1 LTC. Furthermore, it should be borne in mind that, although the complainant also complained about the fact that not all the content of his curriculum is published, but only certain extracts are published, this does not represent a violation of the principle of accuracy of the data, insofar as the published information was current and truthful.
Denyment of access to information on the expenses receipts of political groups in charge of economic endowments of the City Hall
IAI 56/2019
Data protection legislation would not prevent access to the bills justifying expenses containing personal data of councillors as well as third-country nationals who are not part of the group, for the purposes of monitoring the destination of funds received by political groups.
Denial of access to the listing of the Register of entry and exit of documents of a Town Council
IAI 52/2019
The regulations of data protection block the access of the person claiming from all the information that it is evident in the register of entry and exit of documents, in a determinate period, it to be itself a matter of a generalized access and indiscriminate to all the information. This without harm that can give access to itself to the information in an anonymized way or that, with respect to concrete requests, can give access to itself after a ponderation.
Use of the census on the part of the auditors of the political parties accredited in the boards in an electoral procedure
CNS 20/2010
The political parties have the right to obtaining a copy of the electoral roll d’acord with the that l’article 41.5 of the Organic Law establishes 5/1985, of 19 June, of the General Electoral Regime, although the use of this census has to limit itself to the foreseen purposes in the same LOREG, being able to without to that the auditors to the polling stations on the day of the vote can, to split d’aquesta list, to control the persons who have not gone to exercise the right to vote in order to ask for them who go to vote, practice that of hard-him to term it would affect clearly the privacy of the persons since it can condition in an unjustified way the free and secret character of the right to vote.
- Electoral system
- Electoral roll
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Identification data
- Rights of honour, privacy and self-image
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Political parties
- Duty of secrecy
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- Right of access to information
Concept of datum of personal character and communication to a political party
CNS 3/2007
It is proposed if the data of the registered and not registered persons have the consideration of personal character data and the possibility on the part of l’Ajuntament to communicate them to a political party with informative purpose. The municipal census d’habitants is configured like a data base of personal character and therefore, is subjected to the LOPD. The communication of particulars requires the consent from the ones affected, both if they are registered as if they are not it, unless it is authorized by law, which it does not seem to meet at the present supposition for the purpose that he considers.