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12 results were found for your search terms Judicial power
Delivery of judicial documentation by local police officers.
IP 455/2021
In accordance with the duty of judicial assistance provided for in the articles transcribed in the previous paragraph, it should be stated that the notification carried out by the local police officer did not contravene the data protection rules, since it was carried out in compliance with a legal obligation. In that respect, it should be pointed out that there is also no indication that unauthorised personnel would have accessed the documentation.
Request of the clinical history of a patient on the part of the Fiscal Ministry
CNS 25/2021
From the point of view of the regulations of data protection, the Fiscal Ministry has sufficient habilitation to request in a welfare center the information of the clinical history of a determinate patient who can be relevant when promoting a judicial procedure about the capacity of a person.
Contribution of medical data to judicial processes
CNS 7/2018
From the prospect of the regime of communication of particulars foreseen in the LOPD, there is sufficient legal habilitation in the article 11.2.a) of the LOPD in relation to the rules contained in the legislation of Health (art. 16.3 and art. 83 LGS), Social Security (DA tens LGSS) and in the LICS (art 15.1 LICS ), as well as with the article 24 of the CE for the communication of particulars of health suitable, pertinent and non excessive, that have to incorporate into the legal actions of claim of the amounts of the services welfare loaned by the public centers of health to the insurer companies, without the consent of the person concerned nor the requirement for the judicial authority. Once the RGPD is applicable, the juridical basis for these treatments is foreseen in the article 9.2.h) and 9.2.f) of the RGPD with the limits established by the article 5 of the RGPD, in particular the principle of minimization of the data. Therefore, this habilitation will have to be limited to those indispensable minimum data for the fulfillment of the supposed purposes for those treatments.
Communication of information related to the participation of lawyers and attorneys in judicial procedures in years 2014, 2015 and 2016
CNS 3/2018
The competence corresponds to the CGPJ about the adequacy of the communication of information contained in jurisdictional files, as the one related to the interventions of lawyers and attorneys in judicial procedures during years 2014 to 2016, to the Tributary Administration.
Cession of data of a lawyer registered in the professional association in a court
CNS 37/2017
The delivery of the fiscal identification number of one registered in the professional association on the part of the Distinguished Bar Association in a Court constitutes a communication of data that have to be clamped in what establishes the art. 11 of the LOPD. This communication to requirement for a Judge for the the exercise of the functions that it has attributed, it adapts to the regulations of data protection, since it has the legal habilitation in the article 11.2.d) of the LOPD and to the article 17.1 of the LOPJ.
Report in relation to the Project of order by which the electronic judicial Seu of Catalonia is created
PD 4/2017
Communication of persons data in situations of risk of social exclusion on the part of the judicial organs to the municipal social services
CNS 55/2015
The judicial organs can require the collaboration of the competent social services when, during the procedure of the procedures of mortgage execution or of eviction for impagament for rent, they have reasonable evidence that the sued person and their family unit are in situation of special vulnerability or risk of exclusion social, to the effects of carry to term the eviction. To such effect, the identity, the address and the situation derived from the judicial process in which they can be can yield the ones affected, on being a data processing necessary for the fulfillment of the mission of public interest that the Law 12/2007 attributes to the social services, to the social services.
Cession of data of a hospitable Consortium in a Town Council on the subject of protection of minors
CNS 26/2013
Several habilitations legitimate the communication of data of the minor, including also data of the parents or tutors, among others, of health, of the Hospitable Consortium in the Town Council, for the fulfillment of the municipal competences on the subject of protection of minors, without consent of the affected ones. Only the data can be communicated that can be pertinent and relevant in each case, for the concrete situation of risk in which a minor is found, or for the concrete intervention of the Town Council. The communication of data to the judicial authorities can be fitted out by the article 11.2.d) of the LOPD, while the communication of data in the DGAIA can be fitted out by the article 21 of the LOPD and the article 24.2 of the Law 14/2010.
- Health
- Clinical record
- Social services
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Healthcare facility
- Judges and courts
- Child data
- Sensitive data
- Health data
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Healthcare facility
- Judicial power
- Quality principle
- Right of access to information
Cession on the part of a professional School in the Courts and Courts of the listing of registered in the professional association disqualified professionally
CNS 43/2012
The School has sufficient legal habilitation to communicate the listing of registered in the professional association disqualified in the TSJC, without having to have the consent of the affected ones. It is necessary to take into account the demands derived from the principle of quality and, if it is proper, to regulate the corresponding files. Is recommended that s’estudiï the possibility to give access to the courts of Catalonia to the information of the ones registered in the professional association available in the unique window, specifically, the one related to the “situació d’habilitació professional” (article 10 of the Law 2/1974).
- Public administration
- Corporate administration
- Professional associations
- Judges and courts
- Sensitive data
- Sensitive data
- Administrative criminal offences
- Public administration
- Corporate administration
- Professional associations
- Judicial power
- Quality principle
- File registration
Cession of data in order to loan international judicial help
CNS 21/2011
The delivery to a Consulate to give fulfillment to an international charge of the relative data to the work situation of a worker constitutes a communication of data, and has to be made in accordance with the article 11 of the LOPD. The habilitation for the communication can derive from the existence of international treaties that foresee this communication, whenever the procedure and the requirements established in these rules are fulfilled. When the transfer is carried out in order to loan or request international judicial help, the authorization of the Director of the AEPD, in accordance with what establishes the article 34.b, is not necessary) of the LOPD.
Total number of pages: 2