From the prospect of the regime of communication of particulars foreseen in the LOPD, there is sufficient legal habilitation in the article 11.2.a) of the LOPD in relation to the rules contained in the legislation of Health (art. 16.3 and art. 83 LGS), Social Security (DA tens LGSS) and in the LICS (art 15.1 LICS ), as well as with the article 24 of the CE for the communication of particulars of health suitable, pertinent and non excessive, that have to incorporate into the legal actions of claim of the amounts of the services welfare loaned by the public centers of health to the insurer companies, without the consent of the person concerned nor the requirement for the judicial authority. Once the RGPD is applicable, the juridical basis for these treatments is foreseen in the article 9.2.h) and 9.2.f) of the RGPD with the limits established by the article 5 of the RGPD, in particular the principle of minimization of the data. Therefore, this habilitation will have to be limited to those indispensable minimum data for the fulfillment of the supposed purposes for those treatments.