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3 results were found for your search terms Consulates
Communication of data of the municipal Census of inhabitants to administrations of other states
CNS 9/2015
The communication of data of the municipal census of inhabitants to public administrations of other countries requires to have the consent of the affected persons or with a rule with rank legal that fits out the communication and at the same time, in case the country of fate is not part of the European Economic Space, to comply with the specific régim established in the articles 33 and 34 of the LOPD for the international transfers from data. The article 16.3 of the LRBRL or the article 21 of the LOPD has to discard the possibility to communicate data of the municipal census of inhabitants to public administrations of other states with regard to what he establishes, since these would not have fitted in the concept of public administration that the article establishes 2 of the LRJPAC.
Cession of data in order to loan international judicial help
CNS 21/2011
The delivery to a Consulate to give fulfillment to an international charge of the relative data to the work situation of a worker constitutes a communication of data, and has to be made in accordance with the article 11 of the LOPD. The habilitation for the communication can derive from the existence of international treaties that foresee this communication, whenever the procedure and the requirements established in these rules are fulfilled. When the transfer is carried out in order to loan or request international judicial help, the authorization of the Director of the AEPD, in accordance with what establishes the article 34.b, is not necessary) of the LOPD.
Communication of data of the census in consulats
CNS 5/2007
Cession to foreign public administrations, across its consulates, of data of the municipal census d’habitants, in particular the address. The excepciona law the consent of l’afectat in the cession of the datum when s’efectuï among public administrations, interpreting this exception in a restrictive way and understanding that it is circumscribed in state l’àmbit, in exercise of its competences and in matters in which the datum of the address is relevant, without being able to be spread to the supposition that it is brought up. It is recommended to use d’altres alternative options as l’ajuntament acts as mere transmitter between the consulate and the interested person.