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34 results were found for your search terms Others
Information cartels
PS 10/2023
The company did not duly inform about the processing of images for video surveillance purposes. The company has accredited that, as a result of the request for information made within the framework of this research phase, it replaced the information poster of the existence of video surveillance cameras placed at the entrance door of the residence, and placed information posters on each of the floors that had unsignposted video cameras.
Right to information.
PS 15/2023
Apart from the information contained in the information posters, the residence did not make available to the affected people all the information provided for in article 13 GDPR.
Wrong renewal of a registry inscription.
PS 5/2023
The Agency for the Housing of Catalonia is admonished for breach of the duty of confidentiality, for having communicated to a person (A) the erroneous renewal of another person's registration (B) in the Register of Housing Applicants with Official Protection of Catalonia. This error in turn stemmed from another mistake made by the municipal company under charge, which linked the request for renewal of A to the letter of B.
Right video monitoring information
IP 581/2021
The complaint is filed by the municipal police officer who complained that the City Council had not reported the video surveillance system installed in the City Hall and in the police station located inside it, and that images captured by the cameras were later used to open a disciplinary file. It has been noted that the City Council had installed the posters in the city hall and the police station's accesses, and that they reported on the purpose of the facility's safety. In this regard, the denouncing person's behaviour, captured by video surveillance cameras and leading to the initiation of a disciplinary file, is considered to imply a breach of his or her surveillance functions, and consequently to affect the security of the building.
Disregard of right of access
PT 85/2022
La persona reclamante se quejaba por la desatención de tres solicitudes de ejercicio del derecho de acceso que presentó en 2016 y 2017 ante el COAC. Se declara que el COAC ha desatendido el derecho de acceso ejercido por la persona reclamante dado que solo ha acreditado haber dado respuesta a la primera de las tres solicitudes, siendo esta respuesta extemporánea. El derecho de acceso objete de la presente resolución se ejerció cuando estaba en vigor la antigua Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, (LOPD) y el Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 de diciembre, (RLOPD), siendo estas las normas aplicables en el análisis de la eventual desatención del derecho de acceso ejercido por la persona reclamante.
Report on the Draft Decree approving the regulations for the implementation of Titles I, III and IV of Law 9/2014 of 31 July on the industrial safety of establishments, facilities and products
PD 2/2022
It is estimated the claim of guardianship of the right of access that the claimant had exercised before the claimed entity
PT 43/2021
The claimant had exercised the right of access to the minutes of agreement of the sanctioning procedure that had been initiated, so he was requesting a document related to his personal information.
Identification of the person presenting the COVID certificate
CNS 57/2021
The requirement of the COVID certificate in the terms set out and which have been authorized by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, cannot be considered contrary to the regulations for the protection of personal data. Likewise, when this certificate is required, the requirement to show the front of the DNI for the purposes of verifying identity is compatible and provided in accordance with personal data protection regulations.
For you project, validity of the consent of those of 14 years under age, biggest, of research
The consent of the minor as a juridical basis that fits out the treatment of its|his|her|their data in the area of the rest|subtraction research subject to the regulations regulatory of the autonomy of the patient regarding the informed consent, that is, will be able to concede its|his|her|their consent in so far as the minor is competent, intellectually and emotionally, to understand|include the scope of the intervention about the health itself, and especially when he|it is emancipated or biggest of sixteen years. Otherwise, the assistance is required from the representative, having listened to it|him previously, in any case, if it|he|she is biggest of twelve years. In the case of the biomedical research, since the applicable regulations require the adult age to be able to loan the consent, the minors who are biggest of 14 years cannot loan the foreseen consent to the regulations of data protection. The titular persons of the parental authority or the tutors will have to make it in its|his|her|their place.
Sol·licitud de supressió d'un correu aportat per la persona afectada com a prova junt amb una queixa deontològica.
PT 49/2018
Es desestima la reclamació, atès que el col·legi professional va denegar la sol·licitud de supressió del correu aportat en base a la consideració que actuava en compliment de l'obligació legal de tramitació de la queixa deontològica respecte d'un dels seus col·legials, motiu que encaixa en el supòsit legal previst a l'art. 17.3.b) del RGPD.
Total number of pages: 4