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21 results were found for your search terms Housing
Wrong processing of a request from one person incorporated into another's file.
PS 4/2023
A person (A) submitted to a municipal company a request to renew their registration in the Register of Housing Applicants with Official Protection of Catalonia. The company incorrectly incorporated this request into the Register file that corresponded to another person (B), which led to error in the Housing Agency of Catalonia, which erroneously renewed the registration in B and modified its telephone number and its email address. The municipal company is sanctioned with a fine, due to violation of the principle of accuracy.
Wrong renewal of a registry inscription.
PS 5/2023
The Agency for the Housing of Catalonia is admonished for breach of the duty of confidentiality, for having communicated to a person (A) the erroneous renewal of another person's registration (B) in the Register of Housing Applicants with Official Protection of Catalonia. This error in turn stemmed from another mistake made by the municipal company under charge, which linked the request for renewal of A to the letter of B.
Denying access to information on people holding tourist dwellings
IAI 10/2023
The claimant cannot access the name of the natural persons holding a tourist dwelling activity license associated with the registration number in the Tourism Register of Catalonia, but could be presented with anonymized information with a territorial aggregation level guaranteeing the non-identification of the persons concerned.
Disregard of right of access
PT 85/2022
La persona reclamante se quejaba por la desatención de tres solicitudes de ejercicio del derecho de acceso que presentó en 2016 y 2017 ante el COAC. Se declara que el COAC ha desatendido el derecho de acceso ejercido por la persona reclamante dado que solo ha acreditado haber dado respuesta a la primera de las tres solicitudes, siendo esta respuesta extemporánea. El derecho de acceso objete de la presente resolución se ejerció cuando estaba en vigor la antigua Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, (LOPD) y el Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 de diciembre, (RLOPD), siendo estas las normas aplicables en el análisis de la eventual desatención del derecho de acceso ejercido por la persona reclamante.
Processing and handling of emergency situations files in the housing sector
CNS 20/2022
Analysis of the Proposal for a Government Agreement for the creation of the Programme for the processing and management of files arising from the application of Law 1/2022 of 3 March, amending Law 18/2007, Law 24/2015 and Law 4/2016 to deal with the emergency in the housing sector.
Communication of data to the City Council by the water supply concessionaire
CNS 47/2021
The city council can access the information available to the concessionaire of the water supply relating to homes for which there is no water consumption in the last 2 years or when this consumption is abnormally low, in order to 'apply the surcharge to the IBI provided for in the TRLRHL with respect to these homes.
Denial of access to information about municipal promotions
IAI 33/2021
The data protection regulations do not prevent the communication of the reasons for which the entity has granted the tenure system relating to the right of surface in pre-existing developments, and not located on land classified as protected, as well as the reasons for which offered agreements to acquire a surface right over housing in some promotions, and not in others, as personal data is not affected. In relation to the request for information regarding the location of the promotions in which the surface right has been awarded to workers, active or not, of the entity, the data protection regulations do not prevent access to this information in accordance with the foregoing.
No actualització per part de la Cambra de la propietat del titular dels béns immobles i del compte corrent on s'efectuen les domiciliacions dels rebuts bancaris.
PS 17/2019
Es sanciona una Cambra de la propietat urbana amb una amonestació, per haver vulnerat el principi d'exactitud per no haver modificat amb la diligència deguda el nom i cognoms de la persona titular de dos béns immobles, ni el número de compte corrent a on es domiciliaven els rebuts girats per la cambra per l'arrendament d'un d'aquests béns, així com les despeses d'administració de la finca a la comunitat de propietaris, tot i que aquesta persona havia acreditat el canvi de titularitat, per mort de l'antic titular -mare de la persona denunciant-.
Access of a town councilor of the town council to the writing of dealing of a property of the town
CNS 31/2017
Taking the applicable regulations (LDH and DL 1/2015) into account, the access for the town councilor to the writing of dealing of a property of the town that, for the available information, it would find affected by the exercise of the rights of test and retract, it is not contrary to the regulations of data protection personal, since the access can be proportionate and suitable for the compliment of their functions of control of the municipal performance, to the effects of ascertaining if it corresponds to exercise the mentioned rights.
Use of the data of the Census of inhabitants, of the estate Property Register, and of companies of supply for the detection of empty houses
CNS 19/2017
If the Town Council has already detected previously the existence of determinate free houses through the systems made clear in the article 41.4 LDH, or through other mechanisms that have been able to settle, the article 41.5 LDH he fits out the communication in the Town Council of a listing of abnormally low consumptions of water, gas and electricity, under the established threshold, to the effects of checking out the situation of unemployment. The access to the property register and to the census of inhabitants can be considered fitted out and proportionate, in order to identify the owners of houses where nobody is evident registered. The Town Council addressing itself is not contrary to the regulations of data protection for the owner persons, with posteriority to the detection of the anomalous situation of the houses, to give them information of the foreseen measures.
Total number of pages: 3