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3,654 results were found
Communication of data of the census for genealogical studies
CNS 12/2004
The census is the data base personal in what s’han d’inscriure all the resident persons in a town and, as such, d’aplicació is to him the Law of data protection. Requested L’accés refers to object information of preservation to the effects of the one disposed to the Law d’arxius and documents. D’altra band, the data processing is accepted personal for posterior purposes of historical character, statistician or scientist, if they are not incompatible with the coming purposes. L’accés will be legitimated if l’òrgan responsible for the custody of the documents ascertains the fulfillment of the requirements that the sectorial legislation foresees to access it.
Communication of particulars brought in a procedure of bidding
CNS 13/2004
The communication d’informació related to particulars brought by the bidders in a public competition is considered cession d’acord with the legislation of data protection. The sectorial regulations in public recruitment foresee some right d’informació in favor of the bidders who could protect this communication. It corresponds to l’òrgan of recruitment to decide which concrete data have to be handed over to the rest of bidders who request it, since the condition d’interessat can determine l’habilitació for knowing this information in determinate suppositions.
Cession of the documents of quotation of the workers to the union representative
CNS 14/2004
It is proposed to what orders the law about offenses and sanctions in social l’ordre if the cession of the documents of quotation to a union representative is suitable d’acord. The cession is pertinent if s’ajusta to the purpose of complying with the task of surveillance of the fulfillment of the valid rules on the subject of Social Security on the part of l’administració, d’acord to the forecasts of l’Estatut of the Workers. If the data are destined for any other purpose will have to have corresponding l’habilitació or it will have to be agreed by l’interessat. Moreover, the representatives are left subjected to the duty of secret.
Inscription of files for corporations of public law in the Registers of Data Protection
CNS 15/2004
It is proposed to which Register of protection of data it corresponds to make the inscription of the files of the corporations of public law of associative basis. It is concluded, in the moment of formulating the consultation, that it is necessary to l’exercici of public authorities, subjected to the control of the Catalan Agency, to differentiate the relative files from the relatives to other non public activities, subjected to the control of the Spanish Agency. Regarding the creation of the public file, disposal of general character will be necessary.
Concept of person in charge of the treatment in the area of the local administration
CNS 16/2004
L’entitat dealer proposes if it has to facilitate to l’ajuntament the data base of the users of the service of supply d’aigua once the concession of l’explotació d’un has finished service. As a public service policeman, the data base that is generated, is in principle responsibility of l’ajuntament. L’entitat is configured as person in charge of the treatment and, in the to frequent data base d’una that municipal competence has as a purpose l’exercici d’una, s’haurà of returning to the town council or destroying, once the concession finished.
Participation in a university study.
PS 68/2020
Although the communication of student data by the institute may be based on one of the legal bases that legitimize the treatment, it is necessary to respect the other principles provided by the RGPD, such as the principle of minimization. In application of the minimization principle, the data of the students can only be communicated to the research group if the data are necessary to achieve the intended research purpose.
S'estima la reclamació de tutela del dret d'accés en relació amb els informes tècnics preceptius sol·licitats.
PT 34/2021
La persona reclamant va demanar l'accés als informes tècnics preceptius de l'equip multidisciplinari en relació amb dos permisos de sortida de la presó on es trobava intern. La Junta de tractament va respondre l'exercici del dret en relació amb la primera sol·licitud, però no ho va fer en el cas de la segona sol·licitud.
Sending of reminders of visits to the of another person
The inaccurate treatment of the number of linked mobile|motive to the user persons of the service, where SMS are received of reminders or annulments|nullifications of visit, that the access for non authorized third parties means to data of health, it|he is constitutive of an offense very much severe.
Data processing of health (HIV) without proving the express consent.
PS 20/2017
The company VALORIZA -that it loans, on account of the Municipal Institute of the Services (IMSS) of the Town Council of Barcelona, the Service of Home care (SAD)-, it picked up and to deal in the personal report with a user of the service, data related to the health of the accusing person (son of the user person and that one who performed as its carer), among others that is seropositive, without having redigged its express consent, fact that a treatment means il·licit of data especially protected.
Revelation of particulars on the part of a Town Council in a health center.
The revelation of data of the accusing person on the part of a technique of the Town Council to its|his|her|their doctor of family, without having its|his|her|their consent, not even neither legal habilitation, it|he|she means|supposes a breach of the principle|beginning of confidentiality of the data.
Total number of pages: 366