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3,654 results were found
Access to data of subsidies on the part of the town councilors
CNS 16/2007
Possibility d’accés of the town councilors d’un town council to particulars treated in l’atorgament d’ajuts. The town councilors, with regard to the applicable specific regulations, have a right d’accés to determinate information for l’exercici of its functions. Since the town councilors are part integral of l’ajuntament, l’accés to the object information of the consultation is adjusted for the regulations, although the principle of quality demands to make a ponderation with respect to the particulars that can effectively communicate, depending on the concrete purpose. It is necessary to respect the duty of secret specifically.
Diffusion of vehicles of public charges images
CNS 17/2007
Possibility to show a complaint in front of Catalan l’Agència of Protection of Data, for the diffusion d’imatges of the particular vehicles of l’alcaldessa and of the first lieutenant d’alcalde d’un town. Every numeric, alphabetical information is given personal, graph, photographic, acoustic or of any other type, that is susceptible of collection, register, treatment or transmission and that refers to an identified or identifiable person. In this supposition not s’acredita that the diffusion of the images s’hagi carried out by members of the town council in exercise of public functions. The complaint in this case has to be shown in front of Spanish l’Agència of Protection of Data.
Communication of minors data among public administrations
CNS 1/2006
The informative flows of the data of the persons under age among different public administrations in exercise of the competences on the subject of protection of the children and teenagers are protected by the regulations of data protection, without the need for having the consent of l’afectat. However, only the data can be treated that are strictly necessary for the development of the functions of protection of the minor person in situation of risk or of helplessness. It is advisable to establish protocols d’actuació in order to protect the data.
Cession of particulars at the forces and the security corps
CNS 2/2006
The authorities and the public civil servants have to collaborate with the forces and security corps and loan them l’auxili that is possible and suitable for the protection of the law and order. In the supposition that s’excepciona considers the requirement of the consent of the interested person however, in basis at the beginning of quality, the particulars that are an object of communication have to be exclusively those that are suitable, pertinent and non excessive d‘acord with the legitimate, explicit and determinate purposes in which s’han of being destined.
Diffusion of information of a data base of historical character
CNS 3/2006
The protection of data is a law fundamental and of very personal character, the consent of the person affected for dealing therefore needs the data, previous information of the purpose that is pursued. The information related to the deceased persons is not subjected to the regulations of data protection however, according to sectorial regulations and, with general character, if treats itself like documents that they can affect the rights to l’honor, the privacy or the image itself, the diffusion will be possible when they have gone by the deadlines established to the applicable regulations.
Cession in a police body of particulars due to a research
CNS 7/2006
S’excepciona the consent of l’afectat in the cession of data for the prevention d’un real danger for the penal public safety or repression d’infraccions, whenever the object data of communication are exclusively the suitable, pertinent and non excessive d’acord with the legitimate, explicit and determinate purposes in which s’han of being destined. They can retire and treat the data exclusively for the purposes d’una concrete research.
- Law enforcement authorities
- Sensitive data
- Sensitive data
- Administrative criminal offences
- Public administration
- Purpose limitation principle
- Law-enforcement purposes
- Quality principle
- Data files
- Publicly owned files
- Police files
Protection of particulars in the notifications in area of minors protection
CNS 8/2006
In the procedure d’assumpció of the tutelary functions of the minor persons d’edat in situation of risk or helpless on the part of the public administrations, it is necessary to treat specially sensitive data. To protect the fundamental rights it is necessary to control the number of persons who access this information as well as the conditions d’accés, and to choose the more suitable system of notification. Therefore the text that accompanies the notification has d’incloure only the information that, d’acord with the principle of quality of the data, is strictly necessary.
Access to data of the electoral roll on the part of the candidates to the school elections
CNS 9/2006
The sectorial regulations regulatory of the electoral process applicable to the elections in a professional school, establish determinate forecasts in relation to the means at the disposal of the candidatures, but does not contain specific forecasts in relation to l’elaboració of the census d’electors, its update or regime d’accés to its data, and he keeps to the applicable state regulations. The character of supletorietat that could be attributed to the organic Law regulatory of the general electoral regime, would legitimate the candidates to access in the census d’electors.
Access to files of a company dealer on the part of a town council
CNS 10/2006
L’ajuntament as a lender d’un public service is the responsible for the corresponding files d’usuaris with the duties that this entails. L’empresa dealer has the consideration d’encarregat of the treatment. D’acord with this, l’ajuntament can access the particulars that are necessary for the management of the service and make the studies that they are necessary always and when either a new destination or use of the particulars do not implicate a change in the purpose, incompatible with those that legitimated the initial collection.
Cession of data of presumed infractors on the subject of environment
CNS 13/2006
L’accés to data of personal character without the consent of l’afectat is expressly recognized by the law regulatory of waste, to attend to another law of constitutional significance as the protection of the environment is. The authority who exercises functions of inspection and sanction can access the pertinent, suitable and non excessive particulars, but the access through the requirement to one third is a restrictive measure upward to the protection of data, and should be avoided, with general character.
Total number of pages: 366