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3,654 results were found
Publication of personal data in the minutes of the Plenum of a Town Hall
CNS 2/2023
The City Council can keep the minutes of the plenary that are necessary to fulfill the obligations laid down in the transparency law published on the portal. In this case, the minutes of the plenary can be published in the electronic headquarters of the Administer along with the identifying data (name and surname) by reason of the charge, without including, according to the principle of minimization of the data, the publication of the manuscript signature. As for the time it is recommended to keep the full minutes published, this must be temporarily limited to the period necessary to achieve the purpose justifying the publication of the data. As regards the possible application for access to these acts, we should not anonymise the merely identifying data (name, surname) of the ex-registered person who spoke on the occasion of his or her position. As far as handwritten signature is concerned, access would not be justified.
It disregards the right of access to police data.
PT 9/2023
The resolution of the DGP which estimates the request for access to data of the complainant contained in the PF/SIP PFMEN SIP files is declared extemporaneous, without going into other considerations with regard to the substance since the DGP has decided to make the aforementioned right effective.
Denying access to information about temporary occupied places
IAI 22/2023
Taking into consideration the terms in which the complaint is made, data protection regulations do not prevent the claimant from accessing the information requested by the prior pseudonymation of personal data.
Archiving the complaint about breaches of data protection regulations in video surveillance in the workplace and the lack of information about the purpose of the processing.
IP 127/2022
The complaint is shelved because there are no rational indications that the facts that have led to the initiation of the procedure have taken place. As regards the duty of information on the purpose of the treatment, compliance has been accredited.
Denyment of access to information about accidental appointment of the mayor of a city council
IAI 20/2023
The data protection regulations do not prevent access to a copy of the report issued by the Directorate General of the Local Administration, concerning the authorisation of a civil servant to accidentally occupy the position of financial controller in the City Council and to information regarding the supplementary remuneration of this job. However, access to the reports issued by those who have accidentally exercised the intervening function will depend on the personal data that is affected, taking into account its content and the application of the limits relating to data protection referred to in Articles 23 and 24 of the LTTE, in the terms that have been set out.
Denying access to information about a selective process
IAI 18/2023
Data protection regulations do not prevent the complainant from having access, if he is delegated from a trade union organisation that has the most representative status, to information on training data, professional experience, as well as punctuation with respect to merits and other valorative elements that have been taken into account in the selection process and the scores awarded in relation to the subject. In the event that the complainant does not belong to a union organization that has the most representative status, the information must be limited to the identity of the person selected in a selective process - if applicable, the worker concerned - and the scores obtained in the different merits or tests.
Denyment of access to information on complaints and complaints related to the use of Catalan
IAI 14/2023
Data protection regulations do not regulate the processing of personal data relating to legal persons, therefore it would not prevent the person from being able to submit the requested information relating to legal persons. However, data protection regulations do not allow access to the name of the establishments where the actions have been carried out, by the requested body in the specified period or other information that allows the physical persons holding the actions to be identified, albeit indirectly, (including individual entrepreneurs).
Impact assessments on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
CNS 3/2023
The Authority considers that the provisions of the legislation on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing on the conduct of an impact assessment in relation to certain data processings could be interpreted, for the case of foundations and associations, to the effect that they should only do so at the same time that, if necessary, they detect facts that might be indications of money laundering or terrorist financing, given the obligation to report them to the SEPBLAC. This is without prejudice to the fact that, in view of the concurrence of certain specificities, the entities consider it appropriate to carry it out in advance in the event that they may encounter any of the communication assumptions imposed by this regulation.
Right of suppression.
PT 88/2022
The entity gave an incomplete response to the claimant, which only referred to the deletion of any data contained in his or her clinical history, without referring to the claimant's statements about the existence of incorrect data in a medical report.
Archiving resolution. Publication of a photograph on the City Council's social networks, without consent.
IP 162/2022
Complaint about the publication of a photograph on the City Council's social networks, without consent. The archiving is resolved when there is no appreciation of illegality in the treatment due to the fact that the image illustrated in an accessory way information related to a citizen participation process.
Total number of pages: 366