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102 results were found for your search terms Social services
Consultation of data from other Public Administrations.
IP 516/2021
The Department of Social Rights (DDS) consulted the tax data of the complainant who was in the possession of the AEAT. This action is considered legitimate, taking into account that in accordance with Law 12/2007 and Law 2/2014 enables the DDS to consult ex officio, and without prior consent of the interested persons, the data of the beneficiaries of aid and those of their "economic unit of coexistence". The DDS has also accredited that in the forms to request aid for the dependency, an information clause is included on the possibility of consulting the data.
Wrong processing of a request from one person incorporated into another's file.
PS 4/2023
A person (A) submitted to a municipal company a request to renew their registration in the Register of Housing Applicants with Official Protection of Catalonia. The company incorrectly incorporated this request into the Register file that corresponded to another person (B), which led to error in the Housing Agency of Catalonia, which erroneously renewed the registration in B and modified its telephone number and its email address. The municipal company is sanctioned with a fine, due to violation of the principle of accuracy.
Wrong renewal of a registry inscription.
PS 5/2023
The Agency for the Housing of Catalonia is admonished for breach of the duty of confidentiality, for having communicated to a person (A) the erroneous renewal of another person's registration (B) in the Register of Housing Applicants with Official Protection of Catalonia. This error in turn stemmed from another mistake made by the municipal company under charge, which linked the request for renewal of A to the letter of B.
Use of video surveillance cameras inside the rooms of a residential center.
PS 58/2022
The decision is to sanction the Foundation denounced for the use of a system of video surveillance cameras in certain rooms in the residence. In this respect, this imputed fact is considered to be a violation of the principle of minimisation insofar as such treatment is excessive for the intended purpose, and since there were other measures less intrusive to the privacy and privacy of the persons concerned.
Report in relation to the Proposal to amend article 42 of Law 12/2007, of October 11, on social services, as well as the seventh additional provision of Law 2/2014, of January 27, of fiscal, administrative, financial and public sector measures
PD 2/2023
Sending emails to a particular person with data from social services users.
PS 55/2022
A city council initiated the use of a computer application developed by a private company for the management of files processed by the municipal service of home care and dependency, without signing a contract of processor and without taking the necessary measures to detect that it sent emails to a particular company with user data from that service.
Data query between AAPP
IP 285/2021
The file of the complaint against the BCN IMSS is agreed to consult, in the Register of Deaths of the Ministry of Justice and the SEPE, data on whether the complainant is registered in the register of deaths and whether he or she is a beneficiary of unemployment benefits, since, final provision 7a of Law 2/2014, of 27 January, enables the competent administrations in the field of social services to consult on the remuneration received by the persons who are applicants for these services.
Data query between AAPP
IP 284/2021
The file of the complaint against the BCN IMSS is agreed to consult, in the Register of Deaths of the Ministry of Justice and the SEPE, data on whether the complainant is registered in the register of deaths and whether he or she is a beneficiary of unemployment benefits, since, final provision 7a of Law 2/2014, of 27 January, enables the competent administrations in the field of social services to consult on the remuneration received by the persons who are applicants for these services.
Manca contracte encarregat del tractament. Tractament i cessió de dades per part dels Serveis Socials.
PS 48/2022
Els Serveis Socials Bàsics (SSB) de l'Ajuntament va encarregar a una entitat externa el seguiment psicoterapèutic d'algunes famílies, sense haver subscrit el preceptiu contracte d'encarregat del tractament.
En aquest procediment també s'arxiven d'altres fets denunciats, en concret:
1) La recollida per part del SSB d'un informe que l'EATAF havia elaborat en el marc d'un procés judicial de família, en el que constaven les dades del denunciant, sense comptar amb el seu consentiment. El tractament d'aquest informe pel SSB està habilitat per la normativa de serveis socials i de protecció a la infància i l'adolescència.
2) El tractament del citat informe de l'EATAF per part dels SSB, sense haver informat a la persona denunciant. El dret d'informació estava excepcionat d'acord amb el que disposa l'art. 14.5.c RGPD
3) Cessió de dades, sense consentiment del denunciant, entre els SSB i l'entitat externa. No hi ha comunicació de dades en la mesura que l'entitat actua com encarregada del tractament dels SSB.
Report in relation to the communication of data between the health services and the social services of the public system
PD 15/2022
Total number of pages: 11