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3,654 results were found
Principles of confidentiality.
PS 55/2021
The Foundation helped verify whether the names and phones of members of host families who were included in a list drawn up by a third person were correct.
He does not attend to opposition law.
PS 57/2021
The CIFO Hospitalet failed to respond to any of the different requests that the complainant sent him to stop receiving publicity emails, and therefore failed to meet the opposition requests made by the person denouncing the processing of his data.
Do not process access request for not using the ad hoc form.
PT 129/2021
The claimant requested, through burofax, access to his clinical history and traceability. the ICS did not process the request for not filling in and signing the planned form for that purpose. The claim is estimated, given that the art. 12 GDPR does not allow the application to be denied for this reason, and as regards the substance the right of access to documents in clinical history is recognised, with certain limits, and as regards traceability only the right of access to information about recipients or categories of recipients to whom the claimant has been communicated or provided for communication.
Access by a social worker to the system of guaranteed citizenship income.
IP 90/2021
The whistleblower complained that a social worker had accessed information regarding her as a holder of guaranteed citizenship income (RGC), without her consent. Access took place during the processing of an individual school dining room grant, which had requested his exarella. Since the City Council had opened a social risk file of this family unit, in the processing of dining aid the City Council had to issue a social report with various information, including the income received by the family unit in RGC. In the RGC system, it was stated that the exparella was benefiting from RGC, and the denouncing person was the holder of the aid (who had requested it). The complaint is archived in the belief that the social worker accessed this information of the complainant, in office, and for the fulfilment of the tasks entrusted.
Access to medical records by social educators
CNS 11/2022
On the basis of the regulations on patient autonomy, and the clinical documentation, in relation to the legal basis of article 6.1.e) and 9.2.h) of the RGPD, the access of social educators to information which consists in the medical history of patients generated by day mental health hospitals for adolescents would be enabled to the extent that it is relevant to the exercise of their functions. On the other hand, a priori, the access of social educators to the information that is part of the shared medical history of Catalonia (HC3) would not be justified. In the case of the proposed consultation, the fifteenth additional provision of Law 12/2007, relating to the communication of data between health services and social services of the public system, does not apply.
Exercise of the right of access to the register of accesses to the medical history
CNS 10/2022
The patient, in view of the legislation studied (legislation on patient autonomy and transparency legislation, in connection with article 6.1.c) RGPD), must be able to know the identity of the people who have accessed their medical history and, where appropriate, any improper access that may have occurred. Although not part of the right of access provided for in the RGPD, data protection regulations do not prevent the holder of the medical record from accessing information on the due or improper nature of access to the medical history, if the person in charge has this information.
Right of access.
PT 136/2021
The right of access to emails containing personal data of the claimant or his representative (son) is estimated, because the request contained in the submitted request would be considered to fit within the framework of an art right request. The claimant was entitled to receive a response from the person responsible for the treatment in this regard, although the answer was to indicate that the entity did not have the emails subject to the request for access.
Dismiss the right of access concerning technical reports by refusal of leave.
PT 13/2022
The claimant requested access to the technical reports mandated by the technical team concerning a penitentiary leave of the prison, but the Treatment Board did not respond to either request for access to data exercised by the claimant. The claim is estimated.
Dismiss the right of access concerning technical reports by refusal of leave.
PT 10/2022
The claimant asked for access to the mandatory technical reports of the technical team concerning a penitentiary leave of the prison. The Treatment Board responded to requests for dates 10/10/2022 and 14/10/2022, but without indicating whether it was processing data, and in relation to the other requests (16/12/2021 and 20/12/2021), it gave no response to the claimant. The claim is estimated.
The procedure is archived because the information published in the Official Journal of a Municipality does not allow an individual to be identified, so the data protection rules have not been infringed.
IP 314/2021
Only with the information contained in the newsletter of the Bagà Forward municipal group, which referred to that a particular party that was part of the electoral list of the municipal government's candidacy, it is not possible to identify the person who acquired a certain property, since the person denouncing it was not the only candidate of the candidacy Junts per Bagà - Municipal agreement, but that there were twelve more people.
Total number of pages: 366