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3,654 results were found
Consultation padró municipal.
PS 19/2022
The initiation of the sanctioning procedure against the City Council is agreed to make an undue access to the municipal sponsor's data of the person's private address and use it to address a response to a request she had submitted in her professional status as the administrator of estates, rather than sending her the response to the professional address she had pointed to to that effect.
ATRI platform data collection.
PT 143/2021
The claimant asked for the rectification of their data that were recorded in his file referable to the ATRI platform as 'occupied places of work in the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia' (administrative data section), since these were incomplete as they did not include the occupied positions licensed by the trade union freedman. The claim is estimated for reasons of form since the Secretariat of Administration and Public Function of the Department of the Presidency did not resolve the right to rectification in time, and for reasons of substance, since the claimant was entitled to the rectification of his data in the terms he requested.
Access your own data and images captured by a video surveillance camera located in the Consorial Building.
PT 22/2022
The right of access of the person is estimated by claiming their own data held by the City Council, including the images captured by the video surveillance camera located in the consistory building, and the right to access images and/or voices of third people that may appear in the reference camera recordings is dismissed.
Sending emails without using the hidden copy option.
PS 14/2022
It resolves to admonise the Eixample School Institute of the Department of Education since it has been proven that since the School, an email would have been sent to the parents of the pupils (115 persons) without the option of hidden copying, which led to all recipients being able to access the email address of the other people to whom the message was addressed. The contents of the mail reported on the Covid-19 vaccination process in the educational center.
Denial of access to information on inspections of food establishments
IAI 16/2022
The data protection regulations do not constitute an impediment to being able to deliver to the claimant the requested information referring to legal persons. The data protection regulations do not allow access to the name and address of the establishments where inspection actions have been carried out by the requested body within the indicated period, in respect of which the commission of an infringement has been reported or that the commission of an infringement has been established, so the name and address of the establishments must be excluded from access.
Denial of access to information relating to the participatory budgets of a City Council
IAI 19/2022
Personal data protection regulations do not prevent a councilor from accessing a detailed list of individuals and proposals submitted under participatory budgeting.
Legal communication to trade union delegates as staff representatives. Later use of data obtained by trade union organisations.
IP 460/2021
The complaint is filed as the Department's staff directory communication to trade union delegates is covered by data protection regulations. The subsequent use or processing of data by trade union organisations or trade union delegates is not covered by the scope of the PCA.
Disabling the right of access to police background data.
PT 33/2022
The claim of guardianship made by the claimant against the GDPR is estimated, and is required to make the right of access effective.
Disabling the right of access to police background data.
PT 32/2022
The claim of guardianship made by the claimant against the GDPR is estimated, and is required to make the right of access effective.
The clinical history of the complainant is accessed eight times in a justifiable manner.
IP 26/2021
File resolution is dictated because all eight accesses to the clinical history by Chief Blanes were justified. They were carried out by the nurse who performed the COVID test to the whistleblower, and the reason for accessing eight times (five on the day of the attendance and three after a few days) was because the computer system did not fully work. And the only purpose was to check that the result had been saved correctly.
Total number of pages: 366