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3,654 results were found
Report in relation to the Draft Law for the promotion, development and organization of the social and solidarity economy in Catalonia
PD 19/2022
PS 80/2022
A municipal group posted on their Facebook page a statement calling for the resignation of a councillor, echoing the existence of a sentence relating to a faulty trial in which he was convicted for events that occurred 12 years before the date of publication of that statement. Vulneration of the principle of Licitude.
Remission to the Court of Justice of a documentation corresponding to another person.
PS 51/2022
The referral to the Court, in response to a requirement, of documentation corresponding to a person other than that identified by the Court, contravenes the duty of confidentiality.
Dismiss two requests for data access.
PT 77/2022
The complainant complained that the Health Department would have disregarded two of his requests, one regarding copying a report and the other regarding images captured by the Department's video surveillance cameras. It is estimated in relation to the request for a copy of the report, given that although it is a reiteration request, it should have responded to the claimant by indicating this end; and it is dismissed with regard to video-monitor images, since they were deleted before the claimant submitted his request for access.
Sending emails to a particular person with data from social services users.
PS 55/2022
A city council initiated the use of a computer application developed by a private company for the management of files processed by the municipal service of home care and dependency, without signing a contract of processor and without taking the necessary measures to detect that it sent emails to a particular company with user data from that service.
Submission of an appeal against an Act of Public Procurement with excessive and unnecessary personal data.
PS 70/2022
Resolution is issued, an infringement of the principle of minimisation is imposed for having sent an email to the other bidders, transferring the personal data of the representative of the recurring company (DNI, personal telephone and date of birth), intrascendents for the intended purpose, which was to comply with Article 56.3 of the Public Sector Contracts Act (referring the appeal to the other interested bidders).
Missing communication of DPD designation in the APDCAT.
PS 77/2022
The entity has not notified the Catalan Data Protection Authority of the designation of a data protection officer who, according to Article 37.1 of the GDPR, is a mandatory designation by the entity.
Missing communication of DPD designation in the APDCAT.
PS 76/2022
The entity has not notified the Catalan Data Protection Authority of the designation of a data protection officer who, according to Article 37.1 of the GDPR, is a mandatory designation by the entity.
Lack of communication of designation of DPD to the APDCAT.
PS 74/2022
The entity has not notified the Catalan Data Protection Authority of the appointment of a data protection officer who, in accordance with article 37.1 of the RGPD, is a mandatory appointment by the entity .
Missing communication of DPD designation in the APDCAT.
PS 73/2022
The entity has not notified the Catalan Data Protection Authority of the designation of a data protection officer who, according to Article 37.1 of the GDPR, is a mandatory designation by the entity.
Total number of pages: 366