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14 results were found for your search terms ACCESSIBLE SOURCES
Delivery to a candidature to the elections of a professional School of a listing of its ones registered in the professional association
CNS 49/2019
The valid legislation on the subject of protection of particulars it does not contemplate a specific enumeration of sources of public access, for which it is necessary to understand any information that any person can access legitimately, without restrictions.
Adequacy of the Protocol of performance of an official newspaper to the regulations of data of personal character protection
CNS 33/2014
The elaboration of a Protocol of performance in relation to the publication of particulars is priced positively at an official newspaper, in so far as he intends to guarantee the fulfillment of the principle of quality in this area, although it is recommended to incorporate some additional guideline related with the temporary limitation of the published personal information into the newspaper official and with the performances to follow date in the event of exercise of the rights of habeas for the affected ones.
- Identification data
- Child data
- Sensitive data
- Conditions of exercise
- Right of access
- Right of objection
- Right of rectification
- Right of suppression
- Storage
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- Quality principle
- Accuracy
- Proportionality
Adequacy to the regulations of data protection of the electronic edition of an official newspaper
CNS 24/2014
The entity responsible for the BOP has to adapt its performance at the beginning of quality of the data, fact that it implies to implant technological measures, in order to limit the abusive use of the searchers of Internet, like this as limiting the access to the particulars published in the BOP when the entity responsible for the ordering of the publication of the data in the bulletin agrees on the cancellation and like this notifies it.
Access to the electoral roll on the part of the candidates to the elections of a professional school
CNS 1/2014
The application of the LOREG as a supletòria rule to the electoral process of the professional School would fit out the access to the school electoral roll of the candidates once proclaimed as such, without the need for previous consent of the affected ones. In so far as the data of this census coincide with the included ones in its listing of registered in the professional association, the access could be facilitated to any person, as now, to the candidatures, and he could use for the achievement of a legitimate interest, as the case of the sending of electoral information would be.
Report in relation to the Agreement of creation of the files of personal character data of the International Catalan Institute for the Peace
PD 38/2012
Inclusion of particulars to the agenda of the ordinary Assembly of a professional School
CNS 57/2012
The statutes of the professional School fit out the cession of data of the ones registered in the professional association that propose the inclusion of a new point to the agenda of the ordinary Assembly, in the rest of registered in the professional association, as long as they foresee that the documentation of the matters that will have to be treated will be at the disposal of all the ones registered in the professional association since the following day of the call of the Assembly until the day of its celebration and, in accordance with what orders the article 11.2.c) of the LOPD, there would not be impediment for what the rest of registered in the professional association, through the call or through the documentation that can be consulted about the included matters to the agenda, they can know the identity of the persons that they have subscribed a determinate proposal.
Communication on the part of a professional School of determinate data of its ones registered in the professional association to third parties
CNS 16/2012
L’accés on the part of the citizens to the data about the professional situation d’exercici of the lawyers d’un Professional School is a communication of data. The data contained in the guide of the school consistent in the data of l’article 3.j) LOPD and 7.1.c) of the RLOPD, among which the situation d’exercici is found professional, have the consideration of sources accessible to the public, and therefore would find l’habilitació legal for its communication in third in l’article 11.2.b) of the LOPD. The datum related to the date specifies in that a lawyer registered in the professional association modifies its situation d’exercent for the of not exercent, or low cause at School, it is not part of the included data in this legal habilitation, and therefore, d’acord with l’article 28 LOPD would require the consent of the one registered in the professional association for its publication. However, the School will be able to facilitate this datum to third one, citizen or lawyer, who is interested legitimate on knowing it, d’acord with l’article 37.3 LRJPAC, since there can be different cases, in that this date becomes relevant.
Habilitation of a professional School to publish determinate sanctions of its ones registered in the professional association
CNS 12/2012
The publication of particulars in the BOP when the professional School has not been able to make the personal notification of l’acord of obligatory casualty for noncompliance reiterated of the payment of the school quotas to the affected persons constitutes a cession of data that habilitation finds in l’article 59.5 of the LRJPAC. For application of the principle of quality of the data, the publication of the fact of l’impagament of the quotas, together with the identificatives data of the affected person, would be disproportionate. D’altra band, the Law 2/1974 would fit out at the professional School so that, through its unique window, it informs at all times about if one determinate registered in the professional association is fitted out or not for l’exercici of its profession, without indicating but the concrete motive of the lack d’habilitació when this takes place.
Advertising of different registers of professionals of a bar association
CNS 22/2011
The listings of professionals organized by specialities have the consideration of sources accessible to the public, and therefore, its communication would find legal habilitation in section 2) of the article 6, in connection with the articles 3.j) of the LOPD and 7.1.c) of the RLOPD. The diffusion of the professional data of the ones registered in the professional association of a Bar Association, habilitation in the Law can also find 2/1974, of 13 February, on Professional Schools, modified by the Law 25/2009, of 22 December, of modification of several laws for its adaptation to the Law on the free access to the activities of services and its exercise.
Possibility to publish the particular address of the ones registered in the professional association from a professional school
CNS 32/2010
The diffusion to través d’Internet of data of personal character has to be considered like a communication of data (article 11 of the LOPD). Since the rule applicable to the case (article 10 of Law 2/1974) does not foresee that access is given to the personal datum “adreça particular”, this datum cannot be an object of communication or diffusion on the part of the School unless some other rule coincides with legal rank that fits out the communication or the consent of the headlines. The proposal of the School d’adreçar a writing in the ones registered in the professional association informing that, if they do not communicate in a determinate deadline its professional address the School will publish its personal address in the Register of Registered in the Professional Association, s’ajusta in that substantial in what would be the provision d’un unambiguous consent (article 6.1 of the LOPD), which even in this case could be tacit, with regard to what he foresees, especially, the RLOPD. This, always and when the School informs the ones registered in the professional association of all what requires the regulations.
- Public administration
- Corporate administration
- Professional associations
- Identification data
- Right of information
- Public administration
- Corporate administration
- Professional associations
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
Total number of pages: 2