L’accés on the part of the citizens to the data about the professional situation d’exercici of the lawyers d’un Professional School is a communication of data. The data contained in the guide of the school consistent in the data of l’article 3.j) LOPD and 7.1.c) of the RLOPD, among which the situation d’exercici is found professional, have the consideration of sources accessible to the public, and therefore would find l’habilitació legal for its communication in third in l’article 11.2.b) of the LOPD. The datum related to the date specifies in that a lawyer registered in the professional association modifies its situation d’exercent for the of not exercent, or low cause at School, it is not part of the included data in this legal habilitation, and therefore, d’acord with l’article 28 LOPD would require the consent of the one registered in the professional association for its publication. However, the School will be able to facilitate this datum to third one, citizen or lawyer, who is interested legitimate on knowing it, d’acord with l’article 37.3 LRJPAC, since there can be different cases, in that this date becomes relevant.