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3,654 results were found
Consultation of data from other Public Administrations.
IP 516/2021
The Department of Social Rights (DDS) consulted the tax data of the complainant who was in the possession of the AEAT. This action is considered legitimate, taking into account that in accordance with Law 12/2007 and Law 2/2014 enables the DDS to consult ex officio, and without prior consent of the interested persons, the data of the beneficiaries of aid and those of their "economic unit of coexistence". The DDS has also accredited that in the forms to request aid for the dependency, an information clause is included on the possibility of consulting the data.
Information cartels
PS 10/2023
The company did not duly inform about the processing of images for video surveillance purposes. The company has accredited that, as a result of the request for information made within the framework of this research phase, it replaced the information poster of the existence of video surveillance cameras placed at the entrance door of the residence, and placed information posters on each of the floors that had unsignposted video cameras.
Deniation of information on the merits presented in a selection process in progress
IAI 36/2023
Given that at the time of the application for access the selection body has not assessed the merits claimed by the participants in the selection process, access to the documentation accrediting these merits (or to the spreadsheet in which they are related) would not be justified, without prejudice to the fact that, once their assessment has been carried out, access can be recognised with regard to, if applicable, those participants who have finally been selected or who have obtained a better position in the job exchange with respect to the claimant.
Denial of access to information related to the office shift
IAI 34/2023
The right to data protection would not prevent the claimant from accessing the requested public information that only contains aggregated data. Likewise, in view of the concurrent circumstances in the specific case, it would be justified to release pseudonymized information on the distribution of cases among the lawyers assigned to the TOAD, with an indication of the associated incidences, as well as on the invoices presented by these lawyers, for the period between 2018 and 2022. However, the information on the persons assisted by the TOAD lawyers that may be included would have to be omitted, in any case.
Calls on covid-19 without fulfilling the duty of information.
PS 21/2023
One person reported that he had received a call from a call centre for the purposes of COVID-19 vaccination, in which he was asked why he did not want to be vaccinated, and was informed that the call would be recorded. The Authority processed a sanctioning procedure against the Department of Health, who was warned for not having fulfilled the duty of information provided for in art. 13 RGPD. At the same time, he filed the rest of the reported facts, since, on the one hand, it was found that the call had been made by SEMSA, on behalf of the CatSalut, to whom the Department had commissioned to make those calls; and on the other hand, it was found that the collection of the reason for not wanting to be vaccinated (by free will) was protected by the applicable health regulations.
Test access for a selective process
CNS 20/2023
Data protection regulations would not prevent access to the statements of the practical and theoretical exams, along with the correction criteria, proposed in the selective process referred to in the petition, but as regards obtaining a copy of the exams in question, their submission in the specific case examined would only be possible after anonymisation of this information.
Undue access to the clinical history and not attention to the right of access.
IP 206/2023
The filing of the complaint is necessary for the following reasons: 1) It is accredited that no improper access has been made to the clinical history of the complainant. 2) In this case, it is considered that giving an extemporaneous response and requesting to fill in a specific form are management irregularities that do not have enough entity to start a sanctioning procedure.
Right to information.
PS 15/2023
Apart from the information contained in the information posters, the residence did not make available to the affected people all the information provided for in article 13 GDPR.
Publishing incorrect data.
IP 37/2023
There is no element that allows to accredit the commission of an infringement of the data protection regulations by the bar association, the only data of the address of the complainant who has registered, and that the bar association provided to the Consejo General de la Abogacía Espa'ola (CGAE) is the one that the same person denouncing them in the moment of registration, without any modification.
Detention of access to disciplinary files of the local police
IAI 30/2023
Data protection regulations do not prevent the claimant from having access to information concerning public employees who had intervened in the various previous research actions and disciplinary proceedings processed between 2020 and 2022, both of which have been resolved and who have not participated in the irregular conduct, unless there are exceptional circumstances. However, in accordance with the fundamentals that have been laid down, access to the files can be facilitated through the anonymisation mechanism or, where this measure is not effective, through a summary of the files, so that in no case are the natural persons concerned (people investigated and, if applicable, complainants or witnesses) identifiable.
Total number of pages: 366