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3,654 results were found
SEM attention report rectification request.
PT 48/2022
The complainant complains that several of his data are entered in a report on his care issued during the emergency transport health service, which he considers to be wrong.
It disregards the right to delete police data.
PT 81/2022
The complainant asked the DGP to delete his police data concerning an alleged crime of usurping real estate. The response given by the DGP to the complainant is declared 'extemporaneous', given that the deadline provided in the regulations was exhausted by a large extent, for the complainant to be dictated and notified of the resolution. It does not go into the substance, since the resolution of the DGP has estimated the request to delete the data of the complainant.
Request for the deletion of personal data collected within the framework of a selective process.
PT 69/2022
The complainant complained that when he presented himself to the selection process convened by the City Council, he was told that he had to connect to the Zoom platform and that they would record it, while the publication of the bases governing the selection process noted that the practical test had to be oral. This person also stated that the City Council would have published in its Transparency Portal, the results of the selective process, where it was stated as not fit (along with its name and surnames). The city council's resolution, estimating the application of the claimant, is declared extemporaneous.
Derogation of the right of access.
PT 65/2022
The complainant asked for a copy of the examination he carried out on the occasion of his participation in the selection process to be part of the administrative assistants/ves work exchange called by the City Council. The City Council verbally refused to copy its examination on the grounds that it was not the exercise of the right of access to data collected in data protection regulations, and that the Authority was not competent to resolve this issue. The claim to exercise the right of access of the complainant is considered, given that when requesting access to his or her personal data, the data protection rules apply and, consequently, the Authority is also competent to settle this matter.
It disregards the right of access.
PT 57/2022
The complainant formulated a request for access to the Barcelona City Council regarding a telephone survey to assess the citizen safety of its population, and stated that the City Council had not replied. The city council did respond to his request, indicating that the body responsible for the processing of data for the conduct of the survey was the Barcelona Metropolitan Authority, and that it should be directed to that entity to request the exercise of its right.
Manca contracte encarregat del tractament. Tractament i cessió de dades per part dels Serveis Socials.
PS 48/2022
Els Serveis Socials Bàsics (SSB) de l'Ajuntament va encarregar a una entitat externa el seguiment psicoterapèutic d'algunes famílies, sense haver subscrit el preceptiu contracte d'encarregat del tractament.
En aquest procediment també s'arxiven d'altres fets denunciats, en concret:
1) La recollida per part del SSB d'un informe que l'EATAF havia elaborat en el marc d'un procés judicial de família, en el que constaven les dades del denunciant, sense comptar amb el seu consentiment. El tractament d'aquest informe pel SSB està habilitat per la normativa de serveis socials i de protecció a la infància i l'adolescència.
2) El tractament del citat informe de l'EATAF per part dels SSB, sense haver informat a la persona denunciant. El dret d'informació estava excepcionat d'acord amb el que disposa l'art. 14.5.c RGPD
3) Cessió de dades, sense consentiment del denunciant, entre els SSB i l'entitat externa. No hi ha comunicació de dades en la mesura que l'entitat actua com encarregada del tractament dels SSB.
Two advertisements on the offer of temporary provision for a vacant job indicate as a reason the situation of temporary incapacity of the holder.
IP 74/2022
It is necessary to archive the actions. The violation of the principle of minimisation of personal data is not appreciated, since the City Council has published advertisements on the offer of provision for a vacant post in accordance with applicable regulations and following the guidelines of the Directorate General of Local Administration.
Appointment of a collegiate body as Data Protection Officer
CNS 29/2022
In the case of the examining body of the consulting entity, the designation of a collegiate body as a data protection officer would not be contrary to the provisions established in the GDPR and the LOPDGDD. In any case, it must be ensured that its members demonstrate the professional skills required and that no situation occurs in which a conflict of interest arises.
Confidentiality principle.
PS 50/2022
Violation of the principle of confidentiality by the EAP Bellvitge by sending an e-mail to the entity's staff, in which a letter of complaint signed by a group of workers with their details was attached exposed personal information, without any reason justifying such sending.
Work data loss.
IP 275/2021
The complainant's complaint about the alleged loss of an excellent document containing the computation of the extra hours performed by PHPT workers is shelved, since the Department of Justice reports that it still retains the file in which workers' overtime is collected, and that these, moreover, since 2017, have been included in the computer system used for personnel management (SIPC).
Total number of pages: 366