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7 results were found for your search terms Contracting
Dret d'oposició en publicitat contractació administrativa.
PT 13/2019
La persona reclamant interessava la no publicació de les seves dades a la plataforma de contractació, dades que s'havien publicat en la dita plataforma en tant que licitador -empresari individual- en un procés de contractació administrativa. En tractar-se d'una administració pública, la base jurídica que habilitaria la publicació de les dades de la persona reclamant, no és només el compliment d'una obligació legal establerta a la LCSP, sinó també l'establerta a l'article 6.1.e) RGPD (tractament necessari per al compliment d'una missió realitzada en interès públic o en l'exercici de poders públics). El dret d'oposició no es pot exercir quan el tractament obeeix al compliment d'una obligació legal, però sí en el cas previst al citat article 6.1.e) RGPD. En aquest supòsit es desestima la reclamació ja que la persona reclamant no ha invocat cap circumstància que justifiqui la prevalença del seu dret.
Advertising of the procedure of public recruitment
CNS 1/2019
The diffusion of identificatives data, as a result of the fulfillment of the duties to advertising established in the LCSP, should reach only the name and surnames of the bidders and adjudicators, as well as the name, surnames and charge of the public worker who intervenes in it due to the charge or functions. It is recommended, by this motive, to take the made observations into account in the section V of the judgement.
Publication of contracts and agreements for the purpose of transparency
CNS 58/2018
In the publication of administrative contracts, for the purpose of transparency, the diffusion of particulars should reach only the name and surnames of the adjudicators, as well as the name, surnames and charge of the public worker who intervenes in it due to the charge, in being this the necessary minimum information to attain the purpose prestresses. If it is itself a matter of agreements of collaboration, this should limit to the name, surnames and charge of the persons who perform in representation of the signatory parts.
Auditing of fulfillment and financier with respect to the management of a municipal society
CNS 1/2018
In the shapeless one resulting from an auditing financial and of fulfillment made to a municipal society can make be evident the identity of the adjudicator persons of the contracts audited, in so far as treats itself of information relevant to the effects of explaining the results obtained in the examination of the procedures of recruitment carried out by this society. This same information can be spread in public hearing during the presentation of the report of auditing.
Publication of determinate personal information in the Portal of transparency and in the municipal web
CNS 6/2017
When the legislation of transparency foresees the duty to publish information to the portal of transparency or the web corporative (subsidies and public helps, authorization of accountings, formation of workers, retributiva information, administrative concessions, among others), the regulations of data protection do not prevent the publication of personal information, although it is necessary to avoid the publication of unnecessary information. When the publication derives from other rules with rank of law, he will have to be to the terms that this legislation establishes, without harm which it is necessary to respect what derives from the LOPD. The advertising of information related to "any matter of public interest (...)" (art. 8.1.m) LTC), he does not authorize to publish particulars related with this, without consent or without specific legal habilitation, and therefore in principle it will be necessary to anonymize or to dissociate the particulars.
Diffusion of determinate particulars inscribed in the Public Register of Contracts
CNS 57/2016
The diffusion of the particulars contained in the object of the contracts is not considered, with general character, strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the duties to transparency on the subject of public recruitment. The diffusion of these data could be contrary to what articles 23 and 24.2 order in relation to the article 7.1 of the Law 19/2014.
Report in relation to the Project of Order by which the Order ECO/47/2013, of 15 March is modified, by which the functioning is regulated and the application of the public register of contracts of the Generalitat de Catalunya is approved
PD 13/2015