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17 results were found for your search terms Accuracy
Incorrect tax address.
IP 154/2019
The complainant complained that the IMHB had not notified him during the years 2017-2019 of the IBI receipts of his property and car park, despite having requested it in writing in 2017. The complaint is filed to consider: 1) that the fact that the municipal archives contain an erroneous tax address would not be attributable to the IMHB, as it is the address listed in the AEAT database, and the complainant had not requested from the IMHB, by means of an express declaration and following the established procedure, his change of tax address, as required by article 31 of the General Tax Ordinance; and 2) with regard to the address for notification purposes, the complainant's letter was not clear, as it referred to the address of (...), in reference to a city, without specifying which one in particular of the two he has. So the necessary element of guilt does not concur in the action of the IMHB, and in any case the facts do not have sufficient punitive entity.
Accuracy of the degree of disability.
IP 106/2019
The qualification of the degree of disability carried out by the competent technical bodies is independent of the technical assessments carried out by other bodies in the exercise of their public powers.
Inaccuracy of the CIP linked to the clinical documents published in the shared medical history
PS 43/2019
It is the responsibility of the healthcare centers to ensure that the information published in the shared medical history, which can be consulted through "My Health", is accurate. . This inaccuracy, consisting in assigning the clinical documents a CIP corresponding to another person, meant that the latter could access the clinical documents of a third person.
Principi d'exactitud en l'adreça a efectes de notificacions.
IP 233/2018
No es vulnera el principi d'exactitud, quan el domicili utilitzat per l'Ajuntament per practicar la notificació de l'acord d'iniciació era adequat per a la finalitat perseguida.
Inaccurate treatment of the address for the purpose of notification
To collect and to treat the address in an incomplete way for the purpose of notification is constitutive of a severe offense.
Publication in a piece of news of press of an inaccurate datum
IP 278/2017
The publication in a piece of news of press of a digital newspaper of an inaccurate datum consistent in attributing the authorship of an application to the representative of an association shown|presented in front of a Town Council where the reservation|booking of a room was requested, when the treasurer of this Association would have formulated it, it|he|she does not have sufficient entity to impute an offense of the regulations of data protection. And in any case the attribution was due to the fact that the representative was that one who formerly had presented numerous applications in front of the Town Council in the name of the Association, so that no imputation would proceed for application of the principle|beginning of guilt. On the other hand, the contents of the press release spread by the Town Council would find its|his|her|their coverage for|because of|from|out of the law|right of information.
Access of a police body to images of videovigilància picked up by the local police of a Town Council
CNS 28/2018
The communication of the images of which he orders the Local Police of the Town Council towards another police body when, in spite of not bringing a writ, he requests them in exercise of its functions of Judicial Policeman it constitutes a cession fitted out so much by the article 11.2.d) of the LOPD as for the LOPJ. This communication, in exercise of its competences on the subject of law and order, would also remain fitted out by the LOV as well as by the article 21 of the LOPD. In any case, the request has to fit to the principles of limitation of the purpose and minimization of data, requirement that is given, by the information of which it is ordered, in the examined case.
- Public safety
- Law enforcement authorities
- Judges and courts
- Image
- Public administration
- Autonomous community administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Purpose limitation principle
- Law-enforcement purposes
- Quality principle
- Accuracy
- Proportionality
Principle of accuracy in data facilitated by the affected person.
IP 184/2017
The performances are filed to consider exact the personal datum of the address that the affected person herself, who did not rectify it before the responsible for the file in the moment of changing of address, had facilitated directly.
Principi de qualitat en la seva vessant d'exactitud en el marc de cessions de dades entre AAPP.
IP 42/2017
La persona denunciant es queixava perquè l'oficina de treball hauria facilitat dades inexactes sobre la seva persona, cosa que hauria provocat la pèrdua del lloc de treball al qual s'havia presentat. Doncs bé, un cop preguntades a les diferents entitats implicades s'arxiven els fets denunciats perquè la informació facilitada era correcta ja que la persona denunciant no reunia els requisits exigits per la convocatòria de l'oferta de treball.
Data processing of health authorized by law in the area of social services
IP 22/2017
In reports in situation of risk of minors, the organic law of juridical protection of the minor, in its writing given by law 26/2015, fits out to the competent public administrations to proceed, without the need for previous consent, to the collection and treatment of the data that are necessary to appraise the situation of the minor, the ones related to the minor as well as the ones related with its family or social environment included. The health of the accusing person, quecomportava the dedication in its care on the part of the father of the minor in situation of risk, it is considered that it was an element to take into account when appraising the situation of the minor.
Total number of pages: 2