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102 results were found for your search terms Proportionality
Collection and publication of data through a website
PS 44/2019
The right to information must be exercised in the collection of data. When consent is requested for more than one purpose, it must be specific. In order to comply with the transparency obligations, it is not necessary to publish the handwritten signature.
Inclusion of the DNI in the qualified certificates issued to public employees
IP 110/2019
In accordance with the principle of minimization, it is not necessary to include the DNI in the qualified certificates issued to public employees. The principle of guilt is applicable when the person responsible acts with the conviction that he did not commit any breach of data protection regulations.
Inclusion of the DNI in the qualified certificates issued to public employees
IP 84/2019
In accordance with the principle of minimization, it is not necessary to include the DNI in the qualified certificates issued to public employees. The principle of guilt is applicable when the person responsible acts with the conviction that he did not commit any breach of data protection regulations.
Identification of people interested in notifications through announcements.
PS 40/2019
The imputed entity published in the BOE several notices of notification regarding a disciplinary procedure initiated against the complainant, in which he was identified through his name and full ID, which contravenes the principle of minimization.
The inclusion of unnecessary data of health in a document of medical derivation, harms the of minimization of the data.
A sanitary center issued a document of derivation so that the laboratory practiced to the patient a determinate test|proof. In this document of derivation data related to the health of the affected person that are not necessary or relevant for the practice of this test|proof are included, what constitutes a breach of minimization principle|beginning of the data.
Publication of the list of voters in the framework of elections to members of the works council.
PS 8/2019
In elections to members of the works council it is not appropriate to publish the full labor census. In order to check whether the employed persons have the status of electors, the listing of electors that is made from the labor census must be published. This list of voters, which is the subject of publication, must contain the appropriate, relevant and limited data on the purposes for which they are treated.
Divulgació de dades personals a internet
PS 3/2019
La publicació a internet sense restricció, així com el seu manteniment, de llistats amb dades personals d'estudiants identificats amb nom, cognoms i DNI complert relatives a la matriculació de l'any 2012, vulnera els principis de l'RGPD. (Minimització i limitació temporal de conservació)
informe policial referent a un presumpte delicte comès per un policia local, amb dades provinents dels Mossos d'Esquadra.
IP 132/2018
s'arxiva la denúncia per considerar que les dades que l'inspector en cap de la Policia local d'un municipi va incloure en un informe, relatives a un delicte presumptament comès per un policia local per conduir sota els efectes de l'alcohol, no eren excessives, ja que serviren per motivar la mesura cautelar de retirada de l'arma adoptada per l'inspector, i alhora per informar-ne a l'alcalde, per a la seva confirmació o aixecament. La recollida de dades d'aquest agent a través dels Mossos d'Esquadra s'empara en una norma amb rang de llei, per la qual cosa no era necessari informar sobre els extrems de l'article 5 LOPD. I la revelació de dades derivada de la remissió de l'informe a l'alcalde s'até a dret, ja que s'efectuà en virtut i per al compliment de les funcions encomanades a l'inspector en cap a i a l'alcalde.
Divulging of particulars in internet
The publication in internet without restriction, as|like its|his|her|their maintenance, of listings with particulars of candidates to a call of a selective process of year 2009, harms the principles of the RGPD like this.
System of video surveillance without informing, and that picks up excessive data.
To pick up images beyond what is indispensable to attain the purpose of pursued surveillance, is constitutive of an offense. In turn, it also constitutes an offense not to make cash the law|right of information through the corresponding informative posters of the existence of the camera, without providing either the information about the electronic rest of points foreseen by the regulations about data protection, through forms or across its|his|her|their web or headquarters|see.
Total number of pages: 11