The director of the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT), Meritxell Borràs, and the president of the Intercollegiate Association of Professional Associations of Catalonia, Jesús M. Sánchez, presented today the Data Protection Guide for to professional associations and school councils ”. The document has been prepared in the framework of an agreement signed between the two parties in 2019 to collaborate in improving knowledge on data protection and facilitating the application of regulations.
During the presentation, Borràs highlighted this agreement as "one of the many that the APDCAT promotes with the different agents involved, in order to extend the culture and the right to privacy and data protection".
Borràs emphasized that “this is a document that is the result of collaborative work, which will serve to improve understanding and compliance with regulations and will have a multiplier effect on guaranteeing the rights of people in all areas affected”.
For his part, the president of the Intercollegiate Association of Professional Associations of Catalonia, Jesús M. Sánchez, emphasized “the great importance of this guide as a reference document for the correct application of data protection regulations in the yes of the schools and councils of professional associations”. At the same time, Sánchez explained that “this step forward exemplifies the Intercollegiate’s commitment to disseminating the culture of privacy and data protection among the widest professional group in Catalonia, always besides the APDCAT, a public entity with which we have a long, constant and prolific collaboration”.
The presentation took place at the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), the headquarters of the Intercollegiate Association of Professional Associations.
A new guide adapted to the changes
The guide sets out the regulatory changes resulting from the full implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. and the free circulation of this data, and the subsequent approval of Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights.
It offers a comprehensive view of data protection regulations that allows you to not only solve the most common problems that professional associations face, but also to detect them and solve them before they occur. Thus, it collects in a general, systematized and understandable way the most relevant aspects when processing personal data, and offers professional associations guiding criteria to take into account in their daily performance, in order to adapt the one established by the regulations for the protection of personal data.
The document is structured in 10 chapters that include a summary of the most relevant aspects of the applicable regulations, and a series of frequently asked questions and answers:
1. Regulatory framework
2. Key concepts
3. The processing of data in professional associations
4. The purposes of treatment
5. The lawfulness of the treatment
6. Obligations of the controller before initiating treatment
7. Obligations of the controller and the processor during processing
8. Obligations of the controller once the treatment has ended; data retention
9. Liability regime
10. Control authority: the Catalan Data Protection Authority
The guide also includes 7 templates for download: an information clause for data collection documents by the professional association, an information clause to update the data that appears in the list or guide of members, and to exercise the right of access, rectification, limitation of treatment, suppression and opposition.
The director of the APDCAT, Meritxell Borràs, and the president of the Intercollegiate Association of Professional Associations of Catalonia, Jesús M. Sánchez, presented today the new guide, elaborated in the framework of a collaboration agreement signed that both parties in 2019