The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) renews its corporate visual identity. Since its establishment in 2003, first as an Agency and then as an Authority, the APDCAT has maintained the same corporate visual identity (registered in 2004 as an Agency, and in 2010 as an Authority). The change of image responds to the need for renewal and modernization after these 20 years, to align with the transformative objectives included in the new Strategic Plan 2023-2028.
The new logo is the graphic expression of a modern, current institution committed to data protection. It maintains the acronym that identifies the Authority and incorporates a play between the letters p and d, to reinforce the idea of personal data protection. This effect is even more evident with the animated version of the logo, which will be used in digital supports that allow it. The color red continues to be the protagonist, although with a new, fresher and more current shade.
The logo has a horizontal and a vertical version, with the name of the Authority below or to the side, as appropriate, following the applications collected in the new visual identity manual. It also has a new symbol, based on the play of the p protecting the d, which will be used as an accessory identifying image in documents and publications.
A closer and accessible institution
The preparation of the Authority's new strategic plan has been a driving force for the transformation of the institution's model, based on five strategic pillars and four levers of change. The plan includes a series of actions to enhance the role of citizens and the defense of their rights and freedoms, awareness and guidance, to equip them with tools to protect themselves from the risks of losing control of your personal data.
In addition to the logo change, the APDCAT has a project underway to renovate its web portal and electronic headquarters, which will represent the culmination of this visual transformation. In addition to modernizing the design and presentation of the information, the aim of the initiative is to facilitate access, improve its arrangement and structure and promote the understanding of content. The aim is, therefore, for the portal to be a useful and practical tool for citizens as well, to be attractive and modern while maintaining the institution's reputation. It wants to be a gateway that connects people with the values and principles of the new APDCAT model, such as proximity, accessibility, modernity, professionalism and rigor.
After more than 20 years, the Catalan Data Protection Authority has promoted the modernization of its image, in line with the transformative objectives of its Strategic Plan 2023-2028.