The Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT) has launched a campaign to promote the responsible use of social networks among citizens, coinciding with the start of the summer holiday period. With more free time available, and increased mobility, the number of shared privacy images, and the dissemination of other relevant data such as real-time location is multiplying.
Therefore, the APDCAT has launched an alert, with a campaign on the Internet and social networks, which includes six recommendations for not losing control of personal data in these channels, increasingly used by citizens. Specifically, he encourages you to "enjoy the summer with privacy", following these six tips:
- Adjust the phone privacy options.
- Measure the information you post, such as location or images.
- Control when others can post your information.
- Assess which "friends" you accept, because they will have access to all your information.
- Ask yourself if apps really need all the permissions they ask for, and whether they are strictly necessary (for example, accessing contacts or the image gallery).
- Exercise the right to data protection included in the General Data Protection Regulation and Organic Law 3/2018, such as access, deletion, rectification, and opposition and limitation of processing, among others.
Irreparable consequences
Losing control of one’s privacy on social media can have irreparable consequences for one’s personal life. This would be the case, for example, of providing real-time location information to criminals and also of posting certain personal images or comments that may have an impact on the person's professional present and future. Because many companies track networks, looking for information on potential job candidates.
374 / 5000 Resultats de traducció Coinciding with the start of the summer holiday season, which has seen an increase in the publication of images and information, such as real-time location, the Catalan Data Protection Authority has drawn up a campaign to promote its responsible use and raise public awareness of the risks involved in losing control of personal data