- Catalan Data Protection Authority
- Scope of action
- Anonymised data
- Sensitive data
- Data on religion or beliefs
- Image
- Voice
- Rights of honour, privacy and self-image
- Public administration
- Local administration
- Council
- Purpose limitation principle
- Lawfulness principle
- Consent
- Quality principle
The realization of pilotage practices with "drones" for different places of a town, in the measure in that it does not entail the catchment and the recording of "identified or identifiable" images of physical persons, it would not find subjected to the regime established in the LOPD. However, if takes place this catchment of images will be necessary to take into account that, if it is about public spaces, it would only be in agreement with the LOPD if the images turn up as merely accessory, and that, if it is about the inside of the church of the town, it will require to count with the express consent and in writing of the affected ones. In any case, the images will only be able to keep for the strictly necessary period of time to give fulfillment to the supposed purpose.